颞深筋膜深层 deep layer of deep temporal fascia 颞深筋膜深层的意思 deep layer of deep temporal fascia的意思
英文对照deep layer of deep temporal fascia
见载刊物《医学名词(第七分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供颞深筋膜深层,deep layer of deep temporal fascia,颞深筋膜深层的意思,deep layer of deep temporal fascia的意思,颞深筋膜深层的英文,deep layer of deep temporal fascia的翻译,颞深筋膜深层的翻译,颞深筋膜深层是什么意思,颞深筋膜深层什么意思,deep layer of deep temporal fascia是什么意思,deep layer of deep temporal fascia什么意思
颞深筋膜深层 相关科技名词
- 医学美学medical aesthetics
- 美容医学aesthetic medicine;cosmetic medi-cine
- 护理美学nursing aesthetics
- 美容学cosmetology
- 美容术cosmesis
- 医学美medical beauty
- 医学科学美medical scientific beauty;beauty of medical sciences
- 医学技术美medical technical beauty;beauty of medical technology
- 医学环境美medical environmental beauty;beauty of medical environment
- 医学感性美medical sensitive beauty;beauty of medical sensation
- 医学理性美medical rational beauty
- 医学技艺美medical artistic beauty
- 医疗艺术medical treatment art;art of medical treatment
- 医学人体美medical body beauty;medical beauty of human body
- 人体形式美formal beauty of body;beauty of body form
- 人体对称美symmetric beauty of body
- 人体均衡美balance beauty of body
- 人体节奏美rhythm beauty of body
- 人体和谐美harmony beauty of body
- 人体整体美ensemble beauty of body
- 人体线条body line
- 人体轮廓线body contour line;body outline
- 人体曲线body curve
- 人体黄金律golden rule of body
- 人体黄金点golden point of body
- 人体黄金分割golden section of body
- 医学美感beauty sense in medicine;sense of beauty in medicine;sense of me-dical beauty
- 医学审美medical aesthetics
- 医学审美关系medical aesthetic relationship
- 医学审美主体subject of medical aesthetics
- 医学审美客体object of medical aesthetics
- 医学审美观medical aesthetic outlook
- 医学审美能力medical aesthetic ability
- 医学审美判断medical aesthetic judgment
- 医学审美价值medical aesthetic value
- 医学审美目标medical aesthetic target
- 医学审美心理medical aesthetic psychology
- 医学审美范畴medical aesthetic scope
- 医学审美直觉medical aesthetic intuition
- 美容心理学cosmetic psychology