球形乳房 spherical breast;globular breast 球形乳房的意思 spherical breast;globular breast的意思 球形乳房的英文
科学技术名词为您提供球形乳房,spherical breast;globular breast,球形乳房的意思,spherical breast;globular breast的意思,球形乳房的英文,spherical breast;globular breast的翻译,球形乳房的翻译,球形乳房是什么意思,球形乳房什么意思,spherical breast;globular breast是什么意思,spherical breast;globular breast什么意思
球形乳房 相关科技名词
- 美容医学心理学cosmetic medical psychology
- 形态心理学morphopsychology
- 美学参数aesthetic parameter
- 美学诊断aesthetic diagnosis
- 美学评价aesthetic evaluation
- 美学治疗计划aesthetic treatment plan
- 审美平面aesthetic plane
- 容貌缺陷defect of physiognomy
- 容貌缺陷感defective sense of physiognomy
- 求美动机external beauty-seeking motivation
- 自卑感sense of inferiority
- 外貌吸引力appearance attraction
- 身体吸引力physical attraction
- 身体自我body ego;body-self
- 体像body image
- 体像障碍body image disturbance
- 体像蔑视body image disparagement
- 体像变形body image distortion
- 躯体变形障碍body dysmorphic disorder
- 体像治疗body image treatment
- 体像手术body image surgery
- 人体测量学anthropometry
- 活体测量[法]somatometry
- 头影测量[法]cephalometry
- 眼耳平面eye-ear plane
- 容貌physiognomy
- 面形face form
- 面型face type
- 面形美beauty of face form
- 面高face height
- 颅面形态craniofacial shape
- 额指数frontal index
- 鼻指数nasal index
- 口指数oral index
- 头型head type
- 面部平面facial plane
- 颏突度chin projection
- 颧突度zygomatic projection
- 眼单位eye unit
- 面部二等分比例facial two equal division ratio