眼内激光 相关科技名词
- 泪囊鼻腔吻合术dacryocystorhinostomy
- 泪囊筛窦吻合术dacryocystoethmoidotomy
- 泪小管泪囊鼻腔吻合术canaliculo-dacryocystorhinostomy
- 结膜泪囊吻合术conjunctivodacryocystostomy
- 结膜泪囊鼻腔吻合术conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy
- 结膜鼻腔吻合术conjunctivorhinostomy
- 鼻泪管插管术naso-lacrimal duct intubation
- 结膜瓣conjunctival flap
- 结膜移植片conjunctival graft
- 结膜移植术transplantation of conjunctiva
- 翼状胬肉切除术excision of pterygium
- 翼状胬肉转位术pterygium transplantation
- 角膜切除术keratectomy
- 光性屈光性角膜切削术photorefractive keratectomy;PRK
- 准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术eximer laser photorefractive keratectomy
- 基质内光性屈光性角膜切除术intrastroma photorefractive keratectomy;IPK
- 激光热效应角膜切除术laser thermokeratectomy;LTK
- 光性治疗性角膜切除术phototherapeutic keratectomy;PTK
- 自动板层角膜切除术autolaminate keratectomy
- 角膜切开术keratotomy
- 放射状角膜切开术radial keratotomy;RK
- 角膜磨削术keratomileusis
- 表层角膜镜片术epikeratophakia
- 近视角膜磨削术myopia keratomileusis
- 环形热性角膜成形术annular thermokeratoplasty
- 角膜层间分离术intralamellar dialysis of cornea
- 角膜贮存corneal storage
- 角膜移植术keratoplasty
- 供体角膜donor's cornea
- 角膜移植片corneal graft
- 板层角膜移植片lamellar corneal graft
- 全层角膜移植片full thickness corneal graft
- 人工角膜artificial cornea
- 人工角膜移植术artificial keratoplasty
- 板层角膜移植术lamellar keratoplasty
- 穿透角膜移植术penetrating keratoplasty
- 角膜染色术corneal tattooing
- 葡萄肿切除术staphylotomy
- 巩膜穿刺术sclerocentesis
- 巩膜层间切除术interlamellar scleral resection