科学技术名词为您提供周边虹膜切开术,peripheral iridotomy,周边虹膜切开术的意思,peripheral iridotomy的意思,周边虹膜切开术的英文,peripheral iridotomy的翻译,周边虹膜切开术的翻译,周边虹膜切开术是什么意思,周边虹膜切开术什么意思,peripheral iridotomy是什么意思,peripheral iridotomy什么意思
周边虹膜切开术 相关科技名词
- 电凝术electric coagulation
- 眼内电凝术endodiathermy
- 眼内激光endolaser
- 激光光凝术laser photocoagulation
- 眼内光凝术endophotocoagulation
- 冷凝术cryocoagulation
- 结膜下注射subconjunctival injection
- 眼内注射intraocular injection
- 玻璃体内注射intravitreal injection
- 球后注射retrobulbar injection
- 睫毛电解术electrolysis of eye lashes
- 睑板腺囊肿刮除术curettage of chalazion
- 睑内翻矫正术correction of entropion
- 霍茨手术Hotz operation
- 睑板切断术tarsotomy
- 睑板切除术tarsectomy
- 睑外翻矫正术correction of ectropion
- 库-希手术Kuhnt-Szymanowski operation
- 弗-盖手术Friedenwald-Guyton operation
- 布拉斯科维奇手术Blaskovics operation
- 提上睑肌折叠术pleating of levator palpebrae superioris
- 莫泰手术Motais operation
- 眦切开术cantholysis
- 眦成形术canthoplasty
- 眼轮匝肌切除术blepharosphincterectomy
- 睑缘缝合术tarsorrhaphy
- 永久性睑缘缝合术permanent tarsorrhaphy
- 暂时性睑缘缝合术temporary tarsorrhaphy
- 泪点扩张术dilatation of lacrimal puncta
- 泪道冲洗irrigation of lacrimal passage
- 泪道探通术probing of lacrimal passage
- 泪腺切除术dacryoadenectomy
- 泪腺管切断术lacrimal gland ducts division
- 泪小管切开术canaliculotomy
- 泪小管插管术canaliculus intubation
- 泪小管撕裂修复术repair of laceration of canaliculus
- 泪小管成形术canaliculoplasty
- 泪小管鼻泪管成形术canaliculonasolacrimaloplasty
- 泪囊摘除术dacryocystectomy
- 泪囊切开术dacryocystotomy