脊髓纵裂 相关科技名词
- 肛门前移anteceding anus
- 肛门血管扩张hemangiectasis of anus
- 先天性阴道闭锁congenital atresia of vagina
- 小阴唇粘连adhesion of labia minora
- 圆韧带囊肿cyst of round ligament;Nu&4&ck cyst
- 尿道黏膜脱垂prolapse of urethra
- 尿道口黏液囊肿Tyson cyst
- 阴囊对裂bifid scrotum
- 婴儿鞘膜积液infantile hydrocele
- 精索水囊肿funicular hydrocele
- 双阴茎畸形diphallia
- 肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄stricture of pyeloureteric junction
- 前尿道瓣膜anterior urethral valve
- 后尿道瓣膜posterior urethral valve
- 重肾双输尿管duplication of kidney and ureter
- 孤立性肾囊肿solitary renal cyst
- 新生儿皮下坏疽neonatal subcutaneous gangrene
- 单侧肥大畸形unilateral hypertrophy
- 先天性淋巴水肿congenital lymphedema
- 联体儿conjoined twins
- 剑突联体xiphopagus
- 剑突脐联体xiphomphalopagus
- 坐骨联体ischiopagus
- 颅联体craniopagus
- 骶联体sacropagus
- 侧联体lateropagus
- 对称联体儿symmetric conjoined twins
- 不对称联体儿asymmetric conjoined twins
- 臀部联体儿pygopagus
- 胎中胎fetus in fetu
- 索尔特截骨术Salter osteotomy;Salter operation
- 肢体延长术limb lengthening
- 选择性脊神经后根切断术selective posterior rhizotomy
- 膈折叠术diaphragmatic plication
- 息肉手法摘除术digital polypectomy
- 环套息肉切除术snaring polypectomy
- 肛门环箍术anal wiring;Thiersch operation
- 拉德手术Ladd operation
- 巨结肠根治术definitive operation for Hirsch- sprung disease
- 翻出型肛门外吻合巨结肠根治术Swenson procedure