科学技术名词为您提供肠囊肿,enteric cyst,肠囊肿的意思,enteric cyst的意思,肠囊肿的英文,enteric cyst的翻译,肠囊肿的翻译,肠囊肿是什么意思,肠囊肿什么意思,enteric cyst是什么意思,enteric cyst什么意思
肠囊肿 相关科技名词
- 藏毛窦pilonidal sinus
- 胎记birthmark
- 耳前窦道preauricular sinus
- 喉[软骨]软化laryngomalacia
- 鼻后孔闭锁choanal atresia
- 喉裂cleft larynx
- 上颌骨炎maxillitis
- 舌系带短缩ankyloglossia;tonguetie
- 鳃裂branchial cleft
- 鳃裂囊肿branchial cyst
- 鳃裂窦道branchial sinus
- 鳃裂瘘管branchial fistula
- 甲状舌管囊肿thyroglossal cyst
- 甲状舌管瘘thyroglossal fistula
- 舌下囊肿ranula;sublingual ptyalocele
- 腮腺囊肿parotid cyst
- 新生儿腮腺炎parotitis neonatorum
- 颈静脉扩张jugular phlebectasia
- 先天性气管食管瘘congenital tracheoesophageal fistu- la
- 先天性食管闭锁congenital esophageal atresia
- 食管重复畸形duplication of esophagus
- 食管异位软骨ectopic cartilage of esophagus
- 气管软化tracheomalacia
- 原发性胃食管反流primary gastro-esophageal reflux
- 胸腺瘤thymoma
- 鸡胸pigeon chest
- 漏斗胸funnel chest;pectus excavatum
- 青春期前乳房发育premature thelarche
- 肥厚性幽门狭窄hypertrophic pylorostenosis
- 幽门闭锁pyloric atresia
- 自发性胃穿孔spontaneous perforation of stomach
- 幽门前瓣膜prepyloric diaphragm
- 十二指肠闭锁duodenal atresia
- 十二指肠狭窄duodenal stenosis
- 肠闭锁intestinal atresia
- 肠狭窄intestinal stenosis
- 肠重复畸形duplication of intestine
- 肠旋转不良malrotation of intestine
- 胎粪性腹膜炎meconium peritonitis
- 胎粪性肠梗阻meconium ileus