科学技术名词为您提供见红,bloody show;show,见红的意思,bloody show;show的意思,见红的英文,bloody show;show的翻译,见红的翻译,见红是什么意思,见红什么意思,bloody show;show是什么意思,bloody show;show什么意思
见红 相关科技名词
- 胎毛lanugo
- 死胎fetal death
- 滞留死胎missed labor
- 压扁胎fetus compressus
- 纸样胎fetus papyraceous
- 石胎lithopedion
- 死产stillbirth
- 新生儿学neonatology
- 新生儿neonate;newborn
- 足月儿term infant
- 双胎儿twins
- 多胎儿multiple fetuses
- 单卵双胎儿monovular twins;identical twins;monozygotic twins
- 双卵双胎儿binovular twins;dizygotic twins
- 联体儿conjoined twins
- 早产儿premature infant;preterm infant
- 宫内发育迟缓intrauterine growth retardation;IUGR
- 低体重儿low birth weight infant
- 小于胎龄儿small for gestational age infant
- 巨大胎儿fetal macrosomia
- 过熟儿post mature infant
- 新生儿窒息neonatal asphyxia
- 阿普加评分Apgar score
- 胎头水肿caput succedaneum
- 头颅血肿cephalohematoma
- 双顶径biparietal diameter;BPD
- 胎头变形moulding of head
- 新生儿黄疸neonatal jaundice
- 无脑儿anencephalus
- 脑积水hydrocephalus
- 胎盘placenta
- 副胎盘succenturiate placenta
- 环状胎盘ring-shaped placenta
- 膜状胎盘membranaceous placenta
- 有窗胎盘fenestrated placenta
- 轮廓胎盘circumvallate placenta
- 胎盘粘连placental adherence
- 胎盘边缘血窦破裂rupture of placental marginal sinus
- 胎盘梗死placental infarction
- 血管前置vasa previa