科学技术名词为您提供母乳喂养,breast feeding,母乳喂养的意思,breast feeding的意思,母乳喂养的英文,breast feeding的翻译,母乳喂养的翻译,母乳喂养是什么意思,母乳喂养什么意思,breast feeding是什么意思,breast feeding什么意思
母乳喂养 相关科技名词
- 娩出expulsion
- 早产premature delivery
- 产力异常abnormal uterine action
- 宫缩乏力uterine inertia
- 高直位sincipital presentation
- 面先露face presentation
- 胎头过度仰伸hyperextension of fetal head
- 额先露brow presentation
- 颏前位mentoanterior position
- 颏后位mentoposterior position
- 持续性枕横位persistent occipitotransverse position
- 持续性枕后位persistent occipitoposterior position
- 肩难产shoulder dystocia
- 肩先露shoulder presentation
- 忽略性肩先露neglected shoulder presentation
- 复合先露compound presentation
- 头盆不称cephalopelvic disproportion;CPD
- 骨盆入口狭窄contracted pelvic inlet
- 中骨盆狭窄contracted midpelvis
- 骨盆出口狭窄contracted pelvic outlet
- 扁平骨盆flat pelvis
- 漏斗骨盆funnel shaped pelvis
- 均小骨盆generally contracted pelvis
- 滞产prolonged labor
- 难产dystocia
- 产科出血obstetric hemorrhage
- 产前出血antepartum hemorrhage
- 低置胎盘low-lying placenta
- 前置胎盘placenta praevia
- 完全性前置胎盘total placenta praevia
- 部分性前置胎盘partial placenta praevia
- 边缘性前置胎盘marginal placenta praevia
- 胎盘早剥placental abruption
- 胎盘嵌顿placental incarceration
- 侵入性胎盘placenta accreta
- 植入性胎盘placenta increta
- 穿透性胎盘placenta percreta
- 子宫内翻inversion of uterus
- 产道裂伤laceration of birth canal
- 会阴裂伤perineal laceration