科学技术名词为您提供脐带血肿,hematoma of cord,脐带血肿的意思,hematoma of cord的意思,脐带血肿的英文,hematoma of cord的翻译,脐带血肿的翻译,脐带血肿是什么意思,脐带血肿什么意思,hematoma of cord是什么意思,hematoma of cord什么意思
脐带血肿 相关科技名词
- 子宫内膜不规则脱落irregular shedding of endometrium
- 功能性痛经functional dysmenorrhea
- 器质性痛经organic dysmenorrhea
- 膜样痛经membranous dysmenorrhea
- 原发闭经primary amenorrhea
- 继发闭经secondary amenorrhea
- 子宫性闭经uterine amenorrhea;amenorrhea due to uterine lesion
- 卵巢性闭经ovarian amenorrhea
- 垂体性闭经pituitary amenorrhea
- 下丘脑性闭经hypothalamic amenorrhea
- 功能失调性下丘脑性闭经functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
- 正常促性腺素性闭经normogonadotropic amenorrhea
- 高促性腺素性闭经hypergonadotropic amenorrhea
- 低促性腺素性闭经hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
- 精神性闭经psychogenic amenorrhea
- 营养不良性闭经malnutritional amenorrhea
- 运动性闭经exercise related amenorrhea
- 避孕药后闭经postpill amenorrhea
- 女性不孕症female infertility
- 原发不孕primary infertility
- 继发不孕secondary infertility
- 无排卵性不孕anovulatory infertility
- 输卵管性不孕tubal infertility
- 原因不明性不孕unexplained infertility
- 免疫性不孕immune infertility
- 体外受精in vitro fertilization
- 人工授精artificial insemination
- 胚泡移植embryo transfer
- 经前紧张征premenstrual tension syndrome
- 未破卵泡黄素化综合征luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome
- 耐促性腺激素性卵巢综合征gonadotropin resistant ovarian syndrome
- 卵泡膜细胞增殖症hyperthecosis
- 多囊卵巢综合征polycystic ovarian syndrome
- 卵巢功能早衰premature ovarian failure
- 绝经期综合征menopausal syndrome
- 外阴营养不良改变vulvar dystrophy
- 外阴炎vulvitis
- 前庭大腺脓肿abscess of Bartholin gland
- 前庭大腺囊肿Bartholin cyst
- 外阴阴道炎vulvovaginitis