科学技术名词为您提供肾上腺功能早现,premature adrenarche,肾上腺功能早现的意思,premature adrenarche的意思,肾上腺功能早现的英文,premature adrenarche的翻译,肾上腺功能早现的翻译,肾上腺功能早现是什么意思,肾上腺功能早现什么意思,premature adrenarche是什么意思,premature adrenarche什么意思
肾上腺功能早现 相关科技名词
- 老年性阴道炎senile vaginitis
- 滴虫阴道炎trichomonal vaginitis
- 念珠菌阴道炎candidal vaginitis
- 宫颈炎cervicitis
- 子宫颈腺囊肿Naboth cyst
- 盆腔炎pelvic inflammatory disease;PID
- 急性盆腔炎acute pelvic inflammatory disease
- 慢性盆腔炎chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
- 盆腔淤血综合征pelvic congestion syndrome
- 阴道小肠膨出vaginal enterocele
- 膀胱膨出cystocele
- 直肠膨出rectocele
- 子宫脱垂uterine prolapse
- 膀胱阴道瘘vesicovaginal fistula
- 直肠阴道瘘recto-vaginal fistula
- 子宫腔粘连综合征Asherman syndrome
- 处女膜闭锁atresia of hymen;imperforate hymen
- 先天性无阴道congenital absence of vagina
- 阴道狭窄stenosis of vagina
- 阴道隔vaginal septum
- 双阴道double vagina
- 双子宫double uterus
- 双角子宫uterus bicornis
- 残角子宫rudimentary horn of uterus
- 条索状卵巢streak ovary
- 阴道镜检查colposcopy
- 阴道涂片检查vaginal smear examination
- 阴道镜colposcope
- 阴道显微镜检查colpomicroscopy
- 宫颈刮片cervical scraping smear
- 宫颈黏液检查cervical mucus examination
- 宫颈黏膜碘试验Schiller test
- 宫颈活检cervical biopsy
- 性交后试验postcoital test;Huhner test
- 宫颈黏液精液相合试验Miller-Kurzrok test
- 宫颈管刮片endocervical scraping smear
- 宫腔吸片hystero cavity aspirating smear
- 宫腔镜hysteroscope
- 宫腔镜检查hysteroscopy
- 后陷凹镜culdocope