英文对照chronic meningococcemia
见载刊物《医学名词(第四分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症,chronic meningococcemia,慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症的意思,chronic meningococcemia的意思,慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症的英文,chronic meningococcemia的翻译,慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症的翻译,慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症是什么意思,慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症什么意思,chronic meningococcemia是什么意思,chronic meningococcemia什么意思
慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症 相关科技名词
- 脱水热dehydration fever
- 新生儿乳房增大enlargement of breast in newborn
- 脐疝umbilical hernia
- 脐膨出omphalocele
- 脐炎omphalitis
- 新生儿行为评分neonatal behavioral assessment scale;Brazelton scale
- 新生儿硬肿病scleredema neonatorum
- 新生儿吸入综合征aspiration syndrome of newborn
- 羊水吸入综合征amnionic fluid aspiration syndrome
- 胎粪吸入综合征meconium aspiration syndrome;MAS
- 新生儿肺透明膜病hyaline membrane disease of newborn
- 新生儿湿肺wet lung of newborn
- 新生儿呼吸暂停apnea of newborn
- 产伤birth trauma
- 先锋头caput succedaneum
- 胸锁乳突肌血肿sternocleidomastoid hematoma
- 臂丛麻痹brachial plexus paralysis
- 膈神经麻痹diaphragmatic paralysis
- 新生儿假月经pseudomenstruation of newborn
- 生理性黄疸physiologic jaundice
- 新生儿高胆红素血[症]hyperbilirubinemia of newborn
- 新生儿溶血病hemolytic disease of newborn
- 母乳性黄疸breast milk jaundice
- 胆红素脑病bilirubin encephalopathy
- 新生儿肝炎综合征neonatal hepatitis syndrome
- 胆道闭锁biliary atresia
- 新生儿出血病hemorrhagic disease of newborn
- 胎儿-胎盘失血fetal-placental hemorrhage
- 胎儿-母体[经胎盘]输血feto-maternal [transplacental] transfusion
- 胎儿-胎儿输血fetofetal transfusion
- 新生儿肺出血pulmonary hemorrhage of newborn
- 新生儿颅内出血intracranial hemorrhage of newborn;ICH
- 生理性贫血physiologic anemia
- 早产儿贫血anemia of prematurity
- 新生儿红细胞增多症polycythemia of newborn
- 新生儿败血症septicemia of newborn
- 新生儿破伤风tetanus neonatorum
- 新生儿皮下坏疽subcutaneous gangrene of newborn
- 宫内感染intrauterine infection
- TORCH感染TORCH infections