泪囊造影[术] 相关科技名词
- 检眼镜ophthalmoscope;Oph
- 直接检眼镜direct ophthalmoscope
- 间接检眼镜indirect ophthalmoscope
- 双目间接检眼镜binocular indirect ophthalmoscope
- 激光扫描检眼镜scanning laser ophthalmoscope
- 示教检眼镜demonstration ophthalmoscope
- 裂隙灯显微镜slit-lamp microscope
- 裂隙灯照相[术]slit-lamp photography
- 裂隙灯检查[法]slit-lamp examination
- 弥散光线照明法diffuse illumination
- 直接焦点照明法direct focal illumination
- 间接照明法indirect illumination
- 角巩膜缘分光照明法corneoscleral scatter illumination
- 后部反光照明法retro-illumination
- 镜面反射带照明法zone of specular reflection
- 前房角镜gonioscope
- 前房角镜检查[法]gonioscopy
- 三面[接触]镜three-mirror contact lens
- 赫鲁比前置镜Hruby preset lens
- 眼压intraocular tension;intraocular pressure;IOP
- 正常眼压normal intraocular tension;Tn
- 眼压测量[法]tonometry
- 指触眼压测量[法]digital tonometry
- 眼压计tonometer
- 压陷眼压计impression tonometer
- 希厄茨眼压计Schitz tonometer
- 压平眼压计applanation tonometer
- 马克拉科夫压平眼压计Maklakoff applanation tonometer
- 非接触式眼压计non-contact tonometer;NCT
- 气压眼压计pneumatic tonometer
- 眼压计标准化standardization of tonometer
- 眼压描记检查[法]tonography
- 压力-硬度列线图pressure-rigidity nomogram
- 房水流畅系数coefficient of outflow facility
- 房水生成速度rate of flow
- 眼壁硬度ocular rigidity
- 眼壁硬度系数coefficient of ocular rigidity
- 眼球容量ocular volume
- 视网膜血压计ophthalmodynamometer
- 视网膜血压测量[法]ophthalmodynamometry;ODM