科学技术名词为您提供免疫源性葡萄膜炎,immunogenic uveitis,免疫源性葡萄膜炎的意思,immunogenic uveitis的意思,免疫源性葡萄膜炎的英文,immunogenic uveitis的翻译,免疫源性葡萄膜炎的翻译,免疫源性葡萄膜炎是什么意思,免疫源性葡萄膜炎什么意思,immunogenic uveitis是什么意思,immunogenic uveitis什么意思
免疫源性葡萄膜炎 相关科技名词
- [眼睑]秃睫alopecia palpebralis
- 上睑下垂ptosis
- 先天性上睑下垂congenital ptosis
- 麻痹性上睑下垂paralytic ptosis
- 肌[源]性上睑下垂myogenic ptosis
- 机械性上睑下垂mechanical ptosis
- 假性上睑下垂pseudoptosis
- 霍纳综合征Horner syndrome
- 睑缘粘连ankyloblepharon
- 睑球粘连symblepharon
- [眼]睑痉挛blepharospasm
- [眼]睑退缩lid retraction
- 睑缘结膜炎blepharoconjunctivitis
- 眼睑色素痣pigmented nevus of eyelid
- 眼睑恶性黑色素瘤malignant melanoma of eyelid
- 眼睑黄色瘤xanthoma palpebrarum;xanthoma of eyelid
- 眼睑皮样囊肿dermoid cyst of eyelid
- 眼睑皮脂囊肿steatoma of eyelid
- 眼睑浆细胞瘤plasmocytoma of eyelid
- 眼睑血管瘤hemangioma of eyelid
- 眼睑乳头状瘤papilloma of eyelid
- 眼睑腺瘤blepharo-adenoma
- 眼睑鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid
- 眼睑基底细胞癌basal cell carcinoma of eyelid
- 睑板腺癌carcinoma of meibomian gland
- 颌动瞬目综合征jaw winking syndrome;Marcus Gunn phenomenon
- 溢泪epiphora
- 无泪alacrimia
- 鳄鱼泪crocodile tears
- 泪液分泌异常lacrimal secretion anomaly
- 泪腺炎dacryoadenitis
- 泪腺脱垂dislocation of lacrimal gland
- 泪腺异位ectopia of lacrimal gland
- 泪腺囊肿cyst of lacrimal gland
- 泪腺瘘fistula of lacrimal gland
- 泪腺混合瘤mixed tumor of lacrimal gland
- 泪腺圆柱瘤cylindroma of lacrimal gland
- 米库利兹综合征Mikulicz syndrome
- 泪点外翻eversion of lacrimal punctum
- 泪点狭窄stenosis of lacrimal punctum