龈流血指数 index of gingival bleeding;GBI 龈流血指数的意思 index of gingival bleeding;GBI的意思 龈流血指数的英文
科学技术名词为您提供龈流血指数,index of gingival bleeding;GBI,龈流血指数的意思,index of gingival bleeding;GBI的意思,龈流血指数的英文,index of gingival bleeding;GBI的翻译,龈流血指数的翻译,龈流血指数是什么意思,龈流血指数什么意思,index of gingival bleeding;GBI是什么意思,index of gingival bleeding;GBI什么意思
龈流血指数 相关科技名词
- 坏疽性口炎gangrenous stomatitis;noma
- 烟碱性口炎nicotinic stomatitis
- 溃疡性口炎ulcerative stomatitis
- 腔口周围浆细胞增多综合征syndrome of circumorificial plas- macytosis
- 增殖性脓性口炎pyostomatitis vegetans
- 口腔病灶oral focus
- 口腔黑斑[症]oral melanoplakia
- 吸烟性黑斑[症]smoker's melanoplakia
- 局灶性黑变[症]focal melanosis
- 烟斑smoker's patch
- 银汞沉着症amalgam pigmentation
- 疣状黄瘤verruciform xanthoma
- 局灶性上皮增生focal epithelial hyperplasia
- 多发性纤维上皮增生multiple fibroepithelial hyper- plasia
- 唇炎cheilitis
- 腺性唇炎cheilitis glandularis
- 肉芽肿性唇炎cheilitis granulomatosa
- 梅-罗综合征Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
- 日光性唇炎solar cheilitis
- 唇疱疹herpes labialis
- 口角唇炎angular cheilitis
- 咬唇症morsicatio labiorum;lip-biting
- 咬颊症morsicatio buccarum;cheek- biting
- 双唇[症]double lip
- 巨唇[症]macrocheilia
- [先天性]口角小窝commissural lip pit
- 异位皮脂腺ectopic sebaceous gland
- 舌炎glossitis
- 游走性舌炎migratory glossitis
- 正中菱形舌炎median rhomboid glossitis
- 萎缩性舌炎atrophic glossitis
- 舌乳头炎lingual papillitis
- 叶状乳头炎foliate papillitis
- 舌苔coated tongue
- 黑毛舌black hairy tongue
- 白毛舌white hairy tongue
- 黄毛舌yellow hairy tongue
- 裂纹舌fissured tongue
- 牙痕舌crenated tongue
- 舌痛glossodynia