科学技术名词为您提供急救中心,emergency center,急救中心的意思,emergency center的意思,急救中心的英文,emergency center的翻译,急救中心的翻译,急救中心是什么意思,急救中心什么意思,emergency center是什么意思,emergency center什么意思
急救中心 相关科技名词
- 简易呼吸机simple respirator
- 手动式紧急吸引器vitalograph emergency aspirator
- 心脏停搏asystole
- 心搏骤停sudden cardiac arrest
- 呼吸停止respiratory arrest
- 猝死sudden death
- 到院死亡dead on arrival
- 临床死亡clinical death
- 生物死亡biological death
- 脑死亡brain death
- 偏流bias flow
- 高阻抗管道high impedance tube
- 胸壁高频振荡high frequency oscillation of chest wall
- 体表高频振荡high frequency oscillation of body surface
- 经皮氧监测percutaneous oxygen monitoring
- 经皮二氧化碳监测percutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring
- 紧急心脏起搏emergency cardiac pacing
- 经皮起搏器percutaneous pacemaker
- 经静脉起搏器transvenous pacemaker
- 前囟测压计anterial fontanel monometer
- 有创压力监测invasive pressure monitoring
- 静脉插管输液intravenous cannula infusion
- 气管内径路intratracheal route
- 静脉切开venotomy
- 血气分析blood gas analysis
- 血浆交换plasma exchange
- 换血疗法exchange transfusion
- 自身输血autotransfusion
- 洗胃gastric lavage
- 遥测心电图telecardiogram
- 吸气末暂停end-inspiratory pause
- 吸气末正压end-inspiratory positive pressure
- 压缩性肺容积丧失compressed lung volume loss
- 再灌注损伤reperfusion injury
- 自由基free radical
- 血栓素thromboxane
- 置放急救识别卡tagging
- 道路交通事故road traffic accident
- 地震earthquake
- 震级magnitude of earthquake