科学技术名词为您提供选择毒性,selective toxicity,选择毒性的意思,selective toxicity的意思,选择毒性的英文,selective toxicity的翻译,选择毒性的翻译,选择毒性是什么意思,选择毒性什么意思,selective toxicity是什么意思,selective toxicity什么意思
选择毒性 相关科技名词
- 血浆半衰期plasma half-life
- 生物半衰期biological half-life
- 稳态血药浓度steady plasma-drug concentration
- 稳态血药浓度峰值maximum value of steady plasmadrug concentration
- 稳态血药浓度谷值minimum value of steady plasmadrug concentration
- 稳态血药浓度均值mean value of steady plasma-drug concentration
- 表观分布容积apparent volume of distribution
- 消除elimination
- 消除速率常数elimination rate constant
- 清除率clearance
- 蓄积accumulation
- 生物转化biotransformation
- 作用action
- 效应effect
- 作用部位site of action
- 作用方式mode of action
- 兴奋stimulation
- 血管松弛药vessel relaxant
- 血管紧张素angiotensin
- 高效能利尿药high ceiling diuretic
- 低效能利尿药low ceiling diuretic
- 留钾利尿药potassium-sparing diuretic
- 恶心性祛痰药nauseous expectorant
- 稀释性祛痰药diluent expectorant
- 润滑性泻药emollient laxative
- 容积性泻药osmotic laxative
- 刺激性泻药irritant laxative
- 峻泻药drastic purgative
- 抗消化性溃疡药antiulcer drug
- 磷酸二酯酶抑制药phosphodiesterase inhibitor
- 口服降血糖药oral hypoglycemic
- 醛甾酮类药aldosterones
- 促肾上腺皮质激素类药corticotropins
- 黄体激素类药luteoids
- 化学治疗药chemotherapeutic drug
- 磺胺类药sulfonamides
- 硝基呋喃类药nitrofurans
- 广谱抗生素broad spectrum antibiotic
- 窄谱抗生素narrow spectrum antibiotic
- 抗黑热病药anti-kala-azar drug