自愿呈报制度 spontaneous reporting system voluntary 自愿呈报制度的意思 spontaneous reporting system voluntary的意思
英文对照spontaneous reporting system voluntary
见载刊物《药学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供自愿呈报制度,spontaneous reporting system voluntary,自愿呈报制度的意思,spontaneous reporting system voluntary的意思,自愿呈报制度的英文,spontaneous reporting system voluntary的翻译,自愿呈报制度的翻译,自愿呈报制度是什么意思,自愿呈报制度什么意思,spontaneous reporting system voluntary是什么意思,spontaneous reporting system voluntary什么意思
自愿呈报制度 相关科技名词
- 漱口gargle
- 冲洗douche;rinsing
- 吸入inhalation
- 透析dialysis
- 经口per os(拉)
- 经鼻per nasal(拉)
- 经直肠per rectum(拉)
- 用药不足under-medication
- 用药过度over-medication
- 药品虚假需要false demands on drugs
- 可疑不良反应因果评估causality assessment of suspectedADR
- 自愿呈报制度spontaneous reporting system voluntary
- 过度作用over-effect
- 副作用side effect
- 首剂效应first-dose response
- 继发效应secondary effect
- 二重感染superinfection
- 菌群改变bacterial flora alternation
- 双硫仑样反应disulfiram-like reaction
- 水杨酸反应salicylism reaction
- 首选药drug of first choice
- 替代药substitute
- 禁忌证contraindication
- 适应证indication
- 剧毒的hypertoxic
- 剂量dose
- 剂量调整dose titration
- 负荷剂量loading dose
- 维持剂量maintenance dose
- 初次剂量initial dose
- 过量over dose
- 中毒量toxic dose
- 药物过敏性休克shock caused by drug hyper-sensitiveness
- 金鸡纳反应cinchonism
- 给药方案dosage regimen
- 分布速率常数distribution rate constant
- pH分配假说pH-partition hypothesis
- 峰浓度peak concentration
- 峰时间peak time
- 药物浓度drug level;drug concentration