喉中痰鸣 wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat 喉中痰鸣的意思 wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat的意思
英文对照wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat
见载刊物《中医药学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供喉中痰鸣,wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat,喉中痰鸣的意思,wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat的意思,喉中痰鸣的英文,wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat的翻译,喉中痰鸣的翻译,喉中痰鸣是什么意思,喉中痰鸣什么意思,wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat是什么意思,wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat什么意思
喉中痰鸣 相关科技名词
- 牙齿浮动luxated teeth
- 腮肿mumps
- 背冷coldness in back
- 背热hotness in back
- 胸闷oppression in chest
- 憋气suffocation
- 胸胁苦满fullness and discomfort in chest and hypochondrium
- 痞满distention and fullness
- 心悸palpitation
- 心下悸epigastric throb
- 心慌palpitation
- 心中憺憺大动empty sensation in heart
- 心中懊憹heartburn
- 心下痞epigastric oppression
- 心下支结feeling obstructed in epigastrium
- 气上冲心qi rushing upward to heart
- 嘈杂gastric upset
- 脐下悸动throbbing below umbilical region
- 少腹急结spasmodic pain in lower abdomen
- 身重heavy body
- 身痒pruritus
- 阴痒pruritus vulvae
- 神疲spiritlessness
- 乏力weakness
- 腰酸soreness of loins
- 腰重heaviness in waist
- 腰冷coldness in waist
- 腰膝酸软soreness and weakness of waist and knees
- 项背拘急spasm of nape and back
- 四肢拘急spasm of limbs
- 手指挛急spasm of fingers
- 耳鸣tinnitus
- 耳聋deafness
- 耳痒itching in ear
- 重听hearing impairment
- 目痒itching of eye
- 畏光photophobia
- 目痛pain of eye
- 眼胞瘀痛blood stasis and pain of eyelid
- 目眩dizziness