心下支结 feeling obstructed in epigastrium 心下支结的意思 feeling obstructed in epigastrium的意思 心下支结的英文
英文对照feeling obstructed in epigastrium
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科学技术名词为您提供心下支结,feeling obstructed in epigastrium,心下支结的意思,feeling obstructed in epigastrium的意思,心下支结的英文,feeling obstructed in epigastrium的翻译,心下支结的翻译,心下支结是什么意思,心下支结什么意思,feeling obstructed in epigastrium是什么意思,feeling obstructed in epigastrium什么意思
心下支结 相关科技名词
- 呵欠yawning
- 短气shortness of breath
- 喘dyspnea
- 哮鸣wheezing
- 喉中痰鸣wheezing due to retention of phlegm in throat
- 咳嗽cough
- 咳痰coughing of phlegm;expectoration
- 干咳dry cough
- 干呕retching
- 呃逆hiccup;hiccough
- 嗳气belching
- 太息sighing
- 口臭halitosis
- 汗臭bromhidrosis
- 尿臭urinary smell
- 矢气flatus
- 问诊inquiry
- 十问ten questions
- 恶寒aversion to cold
- 发热fever
- 恶寒发热aversion to cold with fever
- 恶风aversion to wind
- 畏寒fear of cold
- 但寒不热chill without fever
- 寒战shivering
- 恶热aversion to heat
- 但热不寒fever without chill
- 壮热high fever
- 潮热tidal fever
- 午后潮热tidal fever in the afternoon
- 日晡潮热afternoon tidal fever
- 身热不扬hiding fever
- 五心烦热dysphoria with feverish sensation in chest;palms and soles
- 骨蒸bone steaming;hectic fever
- 身热夜甚fever aggravated at night
- 夜热早凉night fever abating at dawn
- 微热mild fever
- 寒热往来alternate attacks of chill and fever
- 寒热如疟chill and fever similar to malaria
- 寒热起伏alternative chill and fever