里热证 interior heat syndrome 里热证的意思 interior heat syndrome的意思 里热证的英文 interior heat syndrome的翻译
英文对照interior heat syndrome
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科学技术名词为您提供里热证,interior heat syndrome,里热证的意思,interior heat syndrome的意思,里热证的英文,interior heat syndrome的翻译,里热证的翻译,里热证是什么意思,里热证什么意思,interior heat syndrome是什么意思,interior heat syndrome什么意思
里热证 相关科技名词
- 毒入营血证syndrome of yingfen and xuefen invaded by toxin
- 热毒内陷证syndrome of interior invaded by heat-toxicity
- 湿毒蕴结证syndrome of accumulated dampness-toxicity
- 疫毒侵袭证syndrome of epidemic toxin invasion
- 疫毒内闭证syndrome of epidemic toxin blocked internally
- 瘟毒下注证syndrome of pestilential toxicity invading downward
- 邪伏膜原证syndrome of pathogen hidden in moyuan;syndrome of pathogen hidden in interpleuro-diaphramatic space
- 余毒未清证syndrome of remained toxicity
- 胎毒蕴热证syndrome of accumulated heat due to fetal toxicity
- 痰证phlegm syndrome
- 风痰证wind-phlegm syndrome
- 寒痰证cold-phlegm syndrome
- 湿痰证dampness-phlegm syndrome
- 燥痰证dry-phlegm syndrome
- 热痰证heat-phlegm syndrome
- 痰蒙清窍证syndrome of orifices confused by phlegm
- 痰热内扰证syndrome of phlegm-heat attacking internally
- 痰热内闭证syndrome of phlegm-heat blocking internally
- 痰热动风证syndrome of stirring wind due to phlegma-heat
- 痰热结胸证syndrome of phlegm-heat accumulated in chest
- 痰火闭窍证syndrome of phlegm-fire blocking orifices
- 风痰上扰证syndrome of wind-phlegm invading upward
- 痰气互结证syndrome of intermin-gled phlegm and qi
- 痰瘀互结证syndrome of intermin-gled phlegm and blood stasis
- 痰食互结证syndrome of dyspeptic food intermingled with phlegm blockade
- 饮证fluid retention syndrome
- 饮停胸胁证syndrome of fluid retained in chest and hypochondrium
- 饮溢四肢证syndrome of fluid retention overflowing in limbs
- 饮留胃肠证syndrome of fluid retained in stomach and intestines
- 水湿内停证syndrome of internal stagnation of fluid-dampness
- 肺气虚证syndrome of deficiency of lung qi
- 肺气阴两虚证syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin of lung
- 肺阴虚证syndrome of deficiency of lung yin
- 阴虚肺燥证syndrome of lung dryness due to yin deficiency
- 风寒袭肺证syndrome of wind-cold attacking lung
- 风热犯肺证syndrome of wind-heat invading lung
- 寒饮停肺证syndrome of cold fluid retained in lung
- 肺热炽盛证syndrome of exuberance of lung heat
- 肺热阴虚证syndrome of yin deficiency due to lung heat
- 肺热血瘀证syndrome of blood stasis due to lung heat