风寒化热证 syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold 风寒化热证的意思 syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold的意思
英文对照syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold
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科学技术名词为您提供风寒化热证,syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold,风寒化热证的意思,syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold的意思,风寒化热证的英文,syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold的翻译,风寒化热证的翻译,风寒化热证是什么意思,风寒化热证什么意思,syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold是什么意思,syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold什么意思
风寒化热证 相关科技名词
- 少阴热化证heat transformation syndrome of Shaoyin
- 少阴寒化证cold transformation syndrome of Shaoyin
- 厥阴病证Jueyin syndrome
- 厥阴寒厥证cold syncope syndrome of Jueyin
- 厥阴热厥证heat syncope syndrome of Jueyin
- 厥阴蛔厥证syndrome of syncope due to ascariasis of Jueyin
- 卫分证weifen syndrome
- 气分证qifen syndrome
- 卫气同病证syndrome of disease involving weifen and qifen
- 气分湿热证syndrome of dampness-heat in qifen
- 营分证yingfen syndrome
- 气营两燔证syndrome of flaring heat in qifen and yingfen
- 血分证xuefen syndrome
- 气血两燔证syndrome of flaring heat in qifen and xuefen
- 热盛动血证syndrome of stirring blood due to intense heat
- 热盛动风证syndrome of stirring wind due to intense heat
- 血热动风证syndrome of stirring wind due to blood heat
- 热陷心包证syndrome of invasion of pericardium by heat
- 湿热弥漫三焦证syndrome of diffusive dampness-heat in sanjiao
- 上焦湿热证syndrome of dampness-heat in upper jiao
- 中焦湿热证syndrome of dampness-heat in middle jiao
- 中焦实热证syndrome of excessive heat in middle jiao
- 热入下焦证syndrome of heat invading lower jiao
- 下焦湿热证syndrome of dampness-heat in lower jiao
- 风中经络证syndrome of channel hit by wind
- 风痰入络证syndrome of wind-phlegm invading collaterals
- 风热阻络证syndrome of wind-heat blocking collaterals
- 风毒入络证syndrome of wind-toxicity invading collaterals
- 湿热阻络证syndrome of dampness-heat blocking collaterals
- 寒湿阻络证syndrome of cold-dampness blocking collaterals
- 痰湿阻络证syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals
- 瘀热入络证syndrome of stagnant-heat invading collaterals
- 瘀血阻络证syndrome of static blood blocking collaterals
- 络伤出血证syndrome of bleeding due to collateral injury
- 寒滞经脉证syndrome of cold accumulated in channels
- 风热犯头证syndrome of wind-heat invading head
- 风寒犯头证syndrome of wind-cold invading head
- 风湿犯头证syndrome of wind-dampness invading head
- 热毒壅聚头面证syndrome of heat-toxicity stagnated in head and face
- 风热犯目证syndrome of wind-heat invading eye