肝胆实热 excessive heat of liver and gallbladder 肝胆实热的意思 excessive heat of liver and gallbladder的意思
英文对照excessive heat of liver and gallbladder
中文又称肝胆实火(excessive fire of liver and gallbladder)
见载刊物《中医药学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供肝胆实热,excessive heat of liver and gallbladder,肝胆实热的意思,excessive heat of liver and gallbladder的意思,肝胆实热的英文,excessive heat of liver and gallbladder的翻译,肝胆实热的翻译,肝胆实热是什么意思,肝胆实热什么意思,excessive heat of liver and gallbladder是什么意思,excessive heat of liver and gallbladder什么意思
肝胆实热 相关科技名词
- 脾失健运dysfunction of spleen in transportation
- 脾虚生痰spleen deficiency generating phlegm
- 寒湿困脾cold-dampness disturbing spleen
- 脾为生痰之源spleen being source of phlegm
- 肝气虚deficiency of liver qi
- 肝血虚deficiency of liver blood
- 肝阴虚deficiency of liver yin
- 肝阳虚deficiency of liver yang
- 肝阳上亢upper hyperactivity of liver yang
- 肝气郁结stagnation of liver qi
- 肝气横逆transverse dysfunction of liver qi
- 肝火上炎liver fire flaring up
- 肝经风热wind-heat of liver channel
- 肝经郁热stagnated heat of liver channel
- 肝经湿热dampness-heat of liver channel
- 肾气虚deficiency of kidney qi
- 肾不纳气deficiency of kidney qi failing to control respiring qi
- 肾气不固non-consolidation of kidney qi
- 肾阳虚deficiency of kidney yang
- 肾虚水泛water diffusion due to kidney deficiency
- 命门火衰decline of vital gate fire
- 肾阴虚deficiency of kidney yin
- 相火妄动hyperactivity of ministerial fire
- 肾精不足insufficiency of kidney essence
- 精脱depletion of essence
- 胆经郁热stagnated heat of gallbladder channel
- 胆郁痰扰stagnated gallbladder qi with disturbing phlegm
- 胆虚气怯insufficiency of gallbladder qi causing timidity
- 胃气虚deficiency of stomach qi
- 胃阴虚deficiency of stomach yin
- 胃寒stomach cold
- 胃热stomach heat
- 胃气不降failure of stomach qi to descend
- 胃气上逆adverse rising of stomach qi
- 胃热消谷stomach heat accelerating digestion
- 胃火炽盛exuberance of stomach fire
- 胃不和discomfort in stomach
- 胃纳呆滞anorexia
- 小肠虚寒deficient cold of small intestine
- 小肠实热excessive heat of small intestine