英文对照syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals
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科学技术名词为您提供痰湿阻络证,syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals,痰湿阻络证的意思,syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals的意思,痰湿阻络证的英文,syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals的翻译,痰湿阻络证的翻译,痰湿阻络证是什么意思,痰湿阻络证什么意思,syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals是什么意思,syndrome of phlegm-dampness blocking collaterals什么意思
痰湿阻络证 相关科技名词
- 辨证syndrome differentiation
- 证syndrome;pattern
- 证候syndrome
- 证候相兼concurrent syndromes
- 证候错杂intermingling syndrome
- 证候真假true-false of syndrome
- 顺证syndrome with good prognosis
- 逆证syndrome with unfavorable prognosis
- 辨病论治treatment based on disease differentiation
- 八纲辨证syndrome differentiation of eight principles
- 八纲eight principles
- 阴阳辨证syndrome differentiation of yin-yang
- 表里辨证syndrome differentiation of superficies and interior
- 虚实辨证syndrome differentiation of excess and deficiency
- 病因辨证syndrome differentiation of etiology
- 脏腑辨证syndrome differentiation of zang-fu viscera
- 脏腑兼病辨证syndrome differentiation of concurrent visceral manifestation
- 肺及大肠辨证syndrome differentiation of lung and large intestine
- 心及小肠辨证syndrome differentiation of heart and small intestine
- 脾胃辨证syndrome differentiation of spleen and stomach
- 肝胆辨证syndrome differentiation of liver and gallbladder
- 肾及膀胱辨证syndrome differentiation of kidney and bladder
- 六经辨证syndrome differentiation of six channels theory
- 变证deteriorated case
- 坏病mistreated disease
- 卫气营血辨证syndrome differentiation of weifen;qifen;yingfen and xuefen
- 三焦辨证syndrome differentiation of sanjiao theory
- 经络辨证syndrome differentiation of channel theory
- 阴证yin syndrome
- 阳证yang syndrome
- 阳虚证yang deficiency syndrome
- 阳气暴脱证syndrome of sudden yang collapse
- 阳虚气滞证syndrome of yang deficiency and qi stagnation
- 阳虚寒凝证syndrome of yang deficiency and coagulated cold
- 阳虚痰凝证syndrome of yang deficiency and coagulated phlegm
- 阳虚水泛证syndrome of water overflowing due to yang deficiency
- 阳虚血瘀证syndrome of yang deficiency and blood stasis
- 阳虚外感证syndrome of exogenous disease due to yang deficiency
- 阴虚证yin deficiency syndrome
- 阴虚内热证syndrome of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency