理气健脾 regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen 理气健脾的意思 regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen的意思
英文对照regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen
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科学技术名词为您提供理气健脾,regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen,理气健脾的意思,regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen的意思,理气健脾的英文,regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen的翻译,理气健脾的翻译,理气健脾是什么意思,理气健脾什么意思,regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen是什么意思,regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen什么意思
理气健脾 相关科技名词
- 祛痰法expelling phlegm method
- 宣肺化痰ventilating lung qi for dissipating phlegm
- 燥湿化痰eliminating dampness and phlegm
- 渗湿化痰eliminating dampness and resolving phlegm
- 祛痰化浊expelling phlegm and resolving turbidity
- 清热化痰clearing heat and dissipating phlegm
- 润燥化痰moistening dryness for removing phlegm
- 温化寒痰warmly resolving cold-phlegm
- 祛风化痰dispelling pathogenic wind and eliminating phlegm
- 涤痰息风clearing phlegm for calming endogenous wind
- 理气化痰regulating qi-flowing for eliminating phlegm
- 散寒化饮dispelling cold and resolving fluid retention
- 泻肺逐饮eliminating pathogens from lung for expelling fluid retention
- 温阳化饮warming yang for resolving fluid retention
- 化痰消瘀dissipating phlegm and eliminating blood stasis
- 化痰散结dissipating phlegm and resolving masses
- 化痰消瘿dissipating phlegm for eliminating goiter
- 祛痰宣痹expelling phlegm and dredging channel blockade
- 开窍法inducing resuscitation method
- 清热开窍clearing heat for resuscitation
- 宁心开窍calming heart for resuscitation
- 芳香开窍resuscitation with aromatics
- 化痰开窍dissipating phlegm for resuscitation
- 辛温开窍resuscitation with pungent and warm natured drugs
- 驱虫法expelling intestinal parasites method
- 驱蛔杀虫expelling and killing ascarid
- 温脏安蛔calming intestinal ascarid by warming method
- 驱虫攻下expelling intestinal parasites by purgation
- 健脾驱虫invigorating spleen for expelling intestinal parasites
- 杀虫消疳destroying parasites for curing malnutrition
- 安神法tranquillization method
- 重镇安神tranquillization with heavy prescription
- 养血安神nourishing blood for tranquillization
- 益气安神benefiting qi for tranquillization
- 滋阴安神nourishing yin for tranquillization
- 解郁安神resolving stagnation for tranquilization
- 消[导]法promoting [removing] digestion method
- 消食化滞resolving food stagnation
- 清热导滞clearing heat and removing food stagnation
- 消痞化积relieving oppression and masses