英文对照suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind
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科学技术名词为您提供平肝息风,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind,平肝息风的意思,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind的意思,平肝息风的英文,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind的翻译,平肝息风的翻译,平肝息风是什么意思,平肝息风什么意思,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind是什么意思,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind什么意思
平肝息风 相关科技名词
- 内治法internal treatment
- 解表法relieving superficies method
- 辛温解表relieving superficies syndrome with pungent and warm natured drugs
- 辛凉解表resolving superficies syndrome with pungent and cool natured drugs
- 解肌清热expelling pathogenic factors from muscles for clearing heat
- 辛凉清热clearing heat with pungent and cool-natured drugs
- 疏风透疹dispelling wind to promote eruption
- 扶正解表strengthening body resistance for relieving superficies syndrome
- 助阳解表reinforcing yang to relieve superficies syndrome
- 滋阴解表nourishing yin to relieve superficies syndrome
- 益气解表benefiting qi for relieving superficies syndrome
- 表里双解expelling pathogens from both interior and superficies
- [涌]吐法emesis method
- [攻]下法purgation method
- 清热攻下clearing heat and purgation
- 温阳通便warming yang for relaxing bowels
- 攻下冷积treating coagulated cold by purgation
- 润燥通便moistening dryness for relaxing bowels
- 泻下逐水expelling water retention with drastic purgative
- 和[解]法reconciliation method
- 和解表里reconciling superficies and interior
- 驱邪截疟expulsing pathogen for preventing malaria
- 调和肝脾harmonizing liver and spleen
- 疏肝和胃dispersing stagnated liver qi for regulating stomach
- 调理肠胃coordinating intestines and stomach
- 调和气血harmonizing qi and blood
- 调和营卫harmonizing yingfen and weifen
- 平调寒热mildly regulating cold and heat
- 温清并用using warming and heat-clearing simultaneously
- 分消走泄elimination of pathogens through purgation and diuresis
- 上下分消eliminating pathogens by phlegm elimination and purgation respectively
- 表里分消eliminating pathogens by diaphoresis and purgation respectively
- 调理冲任coordinating Chong and Conception Vessels
- 清[热]法clearing heat method
- 清热泻火clearing heat-fire
- 透热转气clearing heat of yingfen to qifen
- 清营泻热clearing heat in yingfen
- 清热凉血clearing heat and cooling blood
- 清热透疹clearing heat for promoting eruption
- 清热化癍clearing heat for resolving macula