去毒生肌 detoxication and promoting granulation 去毒生肌的意思 detoxication and promoting granulation的意思
英文对照detoxication and promoting granulation
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去毒生肌 相关科技名词
- 补益心肺invigorating heart and lung
- 补益脾肾invigorating spleen and kidney
- 补益心肝invigorating heart and liver
- 滋阴补阳nourishing yin and tonifying yang
- 温阳益气warming yang and benefiting qi
- 益气滋阴benefiting qi and nourishing yin
- 补益精髓strengthening and nourishing marrow and essence
- 补肾调经invigorating kidney for regulating menstruation
- 滋补肾精nourishing kidney essence
- 补益心肾invigorating heart and kidney
- 滋阴补血nourishing yin and tonifying blood
- 温里法warming interior method
- 回阳[救逆]restoring yang [and rescuing patient from collapse]
- 温阳散寒warming yang for dispelling cold
- 温中散寒warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold
- 温肺散寒warming lung for dispelling cold
- 温肾散寒warming kidney for dispelling cold
- 暖肝散寒warming liver for dispelling cold
- 温胃散寒warming stomach for dispelling cold
- 温通小肠warmly dredging small intestine
- 温经散寒warming channel for dispelling cold
- 暖宫散寒warming uterus for dispelling cold;warming womb for dispelling cold
- 温经活血warming channel and activating blood circulation
- 温经止血warming channel for arresting bleeding
- 治风法dispelling wind method
- 疏散风邪dispelling wind pathogens
- 祛风解肌dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles
- 平肝息风suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind
- 清热息风clearing heat for calming endogenous wind
- 凉血息风cooling blood for calming endogenous wind
- 清肝息风clearing liver-fire for calming endogenous wind
- 解毒息风removing toxicity substance and calming endogenous wind
- 柔肝息风softening liver for calming endogenous wind
- 滋阴息风nourishing yin for calming endogenous wind
- 养血息风nourishing blood for calming endogenous wind
- 豁痰息风eliminating phlegm for calming endogenous wind
- 平肝潜阳suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang
- 息风解痉relieving spasm by calming endogenous wind
- 息风定癎arresting epilepsy by calming endogenous wind
- 祛风解痉dispelling pathogenic wind for resolving convulsion