环境养生 choice and creation of healthy environment 环境养生的意思 choice and creation of healthy environment的意思
英文对照choice and creation of healthy environment
所属学科中医药学 > 推拿学、养生学、康复学
见载刊物《中医药学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供环境养生,choice and creation of healthy environment,环境养生的意思,choice and creation of healthy environment的意思,环境养生的英文,choice and creation of healthy environment的翻译,环境养生的翻译,环境养生是什么意思,环境养生什么意思,choice and creation of healthy environment是什么意思,choice and creation of healthy environment什么意思
环境养生 相关科技名词
- 推拿massage
- 手法manipulation
- 推法pushing manipulation
- 拿法grasping manipulation
- 击打法striking manipulation
- 点穴法finger pointing manipulation
- 弹拨法poking channels manipulation
- 按压法pressure manipulation
- 摩法rubbing manipulation
- 揉捻法massaging and twisting manipulation
- 摇法rotating and shaking manipulation
- 扳法pulling manipulation
- 伸屈法stretching and flexing manipulation
- 戳法stamping manipulation
- 旋转法rotating manipulation
- 振法thumping manipulation
- 抖法shaking manipulation
- 散法dispersing manipulation
- 归挤法total pressing manipulation
- 搓法kneading manipulation
- 捋顺法twisting to order manipulation
- 小儿推拿infantile massage
- 正骨推拿massage for bone orthopedics
- 指压推拿finger-pressing massage
- 眼保健按摩health massage for eyes
- 腹诊推拿massage for abdominal diagnosis
- 膏摩ointment rubbing
- 捏积chiropractic
- 喉科擒拿疗法holding massage in laryngological department
- 养生health maintenance
- 四时调摄health maintenance in four seasons
- 精神修养spiritual health care
- 环境养生choice and creation of healthy environment
- 导引daoyin;physical and breathing exercise
- 太极拳taijiquan
- 八段锦baduanjin;eight-sectioned exercise
- 十二段锦shi'erduanjin;twelve-sectioned exercise
- 五禽戏wuqinxi;five mimic-animal exercise
- 易筋经yijinjing;changing tendon exercise
- 饮食调理dietetic regulation