试错法 trial and error method 试错法的意思 trial and error method的意思 试错法的英文 trial and error method的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供试错法,trial and error method,试错法的意思,trial and error method的意思,试错法的英文,trial and error method的翻译,试错法的翻译,试错法是什么意思,试错法什么意思,trial and error method是什么意思,trial and error method什么意思
试错法 相关科技名词
- 过失误差gross error
- 实验设计experimental design
- 对照性原则principle of control
- 实验组experimental group
- 对照组control group
- 盲法blind method
- 随机性原则principle of randomization
- 随机抽样random sampling
- 随机分配random allocation
- 重复性原则repeatability principle
- 实验操作operation in experiment
- 实验数据experimental data
- 逻辑方法logical methods
- 比较comparison
- 可比性comparability
- 分类classification
- 人为分类artificial classification
- 自然分类natural classification
- 类比analogy
- 分析方法analytic methods
- 定性分析qualitative analysis
- 定量分析quantitative analysis
- 理论分析theory analysis
- 特性分析specificity analysis
- 形态分析shape analysis
- 案例分析case analysis
- 因素分析factor analysis
- 因果分析causal analysis
- 微元分析infinitesimal analysis
- 瞬态分析transient analysis
- 频率分析frequency analysis
- 时序分析analysis of time sequence
- 序贯分析sequential analysis
- 系统分析systematic analysis
- 历史分析historical analysis
- 比较分析comparative analysis
- 综合方法synthetic methods
- 事实综合synthesis in fact
- 理论综合synthesis in theory
- 整体综合whole synthesis