英文对照joint method of agreement and difference
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科学技术名词为您提供求同求异共用法,joint method of agreement and difference,求同求异共用法的意思,joint method of agreement and difference的意思,求同求异共用法的英文,joint method of agreement and difference的翻译,求同求异共用法的翻译,求同求异共用法是什么意思,求同求异共用法什么意思,joint method of agreement and difference是什么意思,joint method of agreement and difference什么意思
求同求异共用法 相关科技名词
- 归纳推理inductive reasoning
- 完全归纳complete induction
- 穷举法method of exhaustion
- 不完全归纳incomplete induction
- 枚举归纳enumerative induction
- 科学归纳scientific induction
- 米耳五法J.S.Mill's five methods
- 求同法method of agreement
- 求异法method of difference
- 求同求异共用法joint method of agreement and difference
- 共变法method of concomitant variation
- 剩余法method of residues
- 归纳论证inductive demonstration
- 实验-归纳法experiment-induction method
- 排除-归纳法elimination-induction method
- 演绎推理deductive reasoning
- 演绎论证deductive demonstration
- 公理-演绎法axiom-deduction method
- 假说-演绎法hypothesis-deduction method
- 具体concrete
- 感性的具体perceptual concrete
- 思维中的具体concrete in thinking
- 抽象abstraction
- 科学抽象scientific abstraction
- 概括抽象summary abstraction
- 元抽象法method of elementary abstraction
- 抽象概念abstract concept
- 证明proof
- 实践证明practical proof
- 直接证明direct proof
- 间接证明indirect proof
- 反证disproof
- 反驳refutation
- 归谬法reduction to absurdity
- 悖论paradox
- 逻辑悖论logical paradox
- 意义悖论paradox in meaning
- 思想实验thought experiment
- 理想实验ideal experiment
- 理想化方法idealization method