英文对照menstrual cycle therapy with Chinese medicine
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科学技术名词为您提供中医药周期疗法,menstrual cycle therapy with Chinese medicine,中医药周期疗法的意思,menstrual cycle therapy with Chinese medicine的意思,中医药周期疗法的英文,menstrual cycle therapy with Chinese medicine的翻译,中医药周期疗法的翻译,中医药周期疗法是什么意思,中医药周期疗法什么意思,menstrual cycle therapy with Chinese medicine是什么意思,menstrual cycle therapy with Chinese medicine什么意思
中医药周期疗法 相关科技名词
- 寒凝冲任cold congealing in thoroughfare and conception channels
- 带脉失约belt channel dysfunction
- 督脉虚损governor channel insufficiency
- 望阴户inspection of vulva
- 望阴道inspection of vagina
- 望经血inspection of menstrual blood
- 望带下inspection of vaginal discharge
- 望恶露inspection of lochia
- 望乳房inspection of breast
- 望乳汁inspection of breast milk
- 闻月经smelling menstrual blood
- 闻带下smelling vaginal discharge
- 闻恶露smelling lochia
- 月经史menstrual history
- 带下史history of vaginal discharge
- 婚育史history of marriage;pregnancy and delivery
- 月经常脉regular pulse in menstruation
- 月经病脉morbid pulse in menstruation
- 妊娠常脉regular pulse in pregnancy
- 妊娠病脉morbid pulse in pregnancy
- 离经脉middle finger pulsation during labor
- 产后常脉regular postpartum pulse
- 产后病脉morbid postpartum pulse
- 月经病诊法menopathy diagnostics
- 问初潮inquiring about menarche
- 问周期inquiring about menstrual cycle
- 辨血量observing menstrual volume
- 辨血色observing menstrual color
- 辨经质observing menstrual property
- 按小腹palpating lower abdomen
- 诊乳房palpating breast
- 带下病诊法diagnostics for woman's disease
- 问带下inquiring about vaginal discharge
- 辨带色distinguishing color of vaginal discharge
- 妊娠诊法pregnancy diagnostics
- 问月经inquiring about menstruation
- 问孕候inquiring about pregnant symptoms
- 产后病诊法diagnostics for postpartum disease
- 验恶露observing lochia
- 问乳汁inquiring about breast milk