宇宙秩序证明 proof from the order of the universe 宇宙秩序证明的意思 proof from the order of the universe的意思
英文对照proof from the order of the universe
见载刊物《自然辩证法名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供宇宙秩序证明,proof from the order of the universe,宇宙秩序证明的意思,proof from the order of the universe的意思,宇宙秩序证明的英文,proof from the order of the universe的翻译,宇宙秩序证明的翻译,宇宙秩序证明是什么意思,宇宙秩序证明什么意思,proof from the order of the universe是什么意思,proof from the order of the universe什么意思
宇宙秩序证明 相关科技名词
- 上帝存在的证明proofs of God's existence
- 运动证明proof from motion
- 动力因证明proof from efficient cause
- 必然性与可能性证明proof from necessity and possibility
- 完美程度证明proof from the degrees of perfection
- 宇宙秩序证明proof from the order of the universe
- 造物created being
- 神创divine creation
- 占星术astrology
- 自然巫术natural magic
- 数秘术numberology
- 大宇宙macrocosm
- 小宇宙microcosm
- 泛灵论animism
- 泛神论pantheism
- 物活论hylozoism
- 天球celestial sphere
- 微粒哲学corpuscular philosophy
- 身体body
- 心灵mind
- 心物二元论dualism of mind and matter
- 第一性的质primary quality
- 第二性的质secondary quality
- 广延extension
- 单子论monadology
- 前定和谐pre-established harmony
- 连续律law of continuity
- 星云假说nebular hypothesis
- 二律背反antinomies
- 德国自然哲学
- 自然神论natural theology
- 极性原理principle of polarity
- 绝对absolute
- 辩证过程dialectic process
- 自身的外在outside itself
- 生命冲动elan vital
- 绵延duration
- 直觉intuition
- 不可还原性irreducibility
- 静的static