科学技术名词为您提供咸泉,saline spring,咸泉的意思,saline spring的意思,咸泉的英文,saline spring的翻译,咸泉的翻译,咸泉是什么意思,咸泉什么意思,saline spring是什么意思,saline spring什么意思
咸泉 相关科技名词
- 非饱和水流unsaturated flow
- 一维流one-dimensional flow
- 二维流two-dimensional flow
- 三维流three-dimensional flow
- 地下水流速velocity of groundwater flow
- 富水性water yield property
- 富水程度water storage capacity
- 渗透性permeability
- 透水性perviousness
- 导水性transmissivity
- 隔水性water resisting property
- 地下径流系数coefficient of groundwater runoff
- 饱和系数coefficient of water saturation
- 释水系数storativity;storage coefficient
- 渗透系数permeability coefficient
- 导水系数transmissibility coefficient
- 压力传导系数coefficient of pressure conductivity
- 弥散系数coefficient of dispersion
- 水位water level
- 水头hydraulic head
- 等势线equipotential line
- 潜水位phreatic water level
- 承压水位confined level;piezometric level
- 静止水位static level
- 初见水位initial water level
- 承压水头confined head;piezometric head
- 潜水面phreatic water table level
- 等水位线phreatic water contour
- 等水压线piezometric contour
- 水力联系hydraulic connection
- 水循环water circulation;water cycle
- 水位降深dropdown
- 水力梯度hydraulic gradient
- 地下水埋藏深度depth of groundwater table
- 含水量water content
- 持水量moisture capacity
- 涌水量water yield
- 需水量water requirement
- 水量平衡hydraulic budget
- 地下水回灌groundwater recharge