英文对照ratio of height to diameter
所属学科机械工程 > 机械制造工艺与设备 > 锻压 > 锻造
见载刊物《机械工程名词(第二分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供高径比,ratio of height to diameter,高径比的意思,ratio of height to diameter的意思,高径比的英文,ratio of height to diameter的翻译,高径比的翻译,高径比是什么意思,高径比什么意思,ratio of height to diameter是什么意思,ratio of height to diameter什么意思
高径比 相关科技名词
- 锻造forging
- 热锻hot forging
- 温锻warm forging
- 冷锻cold forging
- 等温锻isothermal forging
- 精密锻造precision forging;net shape forging
- 高速锻造high velocity forging process
- 复合锻造duplex forging
- 锻件forgeable piece
- 锻件图forging drawing
- 黑皮锻件[surface] as forged
- 自由锻open die forging;flat die forging
- 镦粗upsetting
- 局部镦粗local upsetting
- 拔长drawing out;swaging
- 冲子punch
- [锻造]扩孔expanding
- 冲头扩孔expanding with a punch
- 马杠扩孔saddle forging
- 楔块扩孔expanding with a wedge blocks
- 液压胀形扩孔hydraulic expanding
- 弯曲bending
- 错移offset
- 扭转twisting
- 切割cutting
- 锻接forging welding
- 压肩necking
- 压痕indentation
- 倒棱chamfering
- 滚圆rolling
- 压钳口tongs hold;bar hold
- 中心压实法JTS forging
- RR锻造RR forging
- TR锻造TR forging
- α+β锻造α+β forging
- β锻造β forging
- FM锻造free form Mannesmann effect
- 锻造比forging ratio
- 高径比ratio of height to diameter
- 压缩量reduction