英文对照restoration process [of an electric power system]
所属学科电力 > 电气安全与电力可靠性
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供[电力系统的]恢复过程,restoration process [of an electric power system],[电力系统的]恢复过程的意思,restoration process [of an electric power system]的意思,[电力系统的]恢复过程的英文,restoration process [of an electric power system]的翻译,[电力系统的]恢复过程的翻译,[电力系统的]恢复过程是什么意思,[电力系统的]恢复过程什么意思,restoration process [of an electric power system]是什么意思,restoration process [of an electric power system]什么意思
[电力系统的]恢复过程 相关科技名词
- 双重绝缘double insulation
- 加强绝缘reinforced insulation
- 简单分隔simple separation
- 故障点fault point
- 故障相fault phase
- 故障区段fault section
- 电气保护分隔protective separation
- 监护制度supervisory institution
- 电气安全色electrical safety color
- 电气安全标志electrical safety marking
- 电气警告牌electrical alarm plate
- 电气标示牌electrical indication plate
- 操作票operation order
- 停电操作outage switching
- 紧急操作emergency operation
- 电气误操作electrical miss operation
- 电气紧急事故处理electrical manipulating emergency
- 电气安全寿命electrical safe life
- 安全防护照明safety protective lighting
- 电气潜伏故障[隐患]potential electric hazard
- 电气防火electrical fire prevention
- 电气消防设施electrical fire protection equipment
- 电气防火隔墙electrical fire compartment wall
- 电气防爆隔墙electrical explosion resistant separating wall
- 电气防爆门electrical explosion preventing gate
- 保安电源emergency power supply
- 保安备用电源emergency standby electricity
- 电气消防通道electrical fire fighting passageway
- 电磁场伤害injury due to electromagnetic field
- 电灼伤electric burn
- 电击electric shock
- 外部导电部分extraneous conductive part
- 外露可接近导体exposed approachability conductive part
- 验电verification of live part
- 遮栏barrier
- 临时接地temporary grounding
- 定期巡视periodical inspection
- 故障巡视fault inspection
- 夜间巡视night inspection
- 直接接触direct contact