子堤 small dike on levee crown 子堤的意思 small dike on levee crown的意思 子堤的英文 small dike on levee crown的翻译
英文对照small dike on levee crown
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供子堤,small dike on levee crown,子堤的意思,small dike on levee crown的意思,子堤的英文,small dike on levee crown的翻译,子堤的翻译,子堤是什么意思,子堤什么意思,small dike on levee crown是什么意思,small dike on levee crown什么意思
子堤 相关科技名词
- 裙板消能工energy dissipator by shirt
- 沿程消能工energy dissipator through friction loss
- 洞内消能工energy dissipator within the tunnel
- 消力池stilling pool;stilling basin
- 消力墩baffle block
- 消力戽bucket
- 宽尾墩flaring gate pier;wide-flange pier
- 折流墙deflection wall
- 尾槛baffle sill
- 导气槽air slot
- 通气孔air vent hole
- 水垫塘cushion pool
- 二道坝auxiliary weir
- 调压室surge chamber
- 调压井surge shaft
- 调压塔surge tower
- 尾水调压室tailrace surge chamber
- 差动式调压室differential surge chamber
- 双室式调压室double chamber surge tank
- 溢流式调压室spilling surge chamber
- 圆筒式调压室cylindrical surge chamber
- 阻抗式调压室throttled surge chamber
- 压气式调压室pneumatic surge chamber
- 尾水隧洞tailwater tunnel
- 尾水渠tailwater channel
- 主厂房power house
- 副厂房auxiliary power house;auxiliary room
- [全]地下式厂房underground power house
- 半地下式厂房semi-underground power house
- 半露天式厂房semi-outdoor power house
- 坝后式厂房power house at dam toe
- 岸边式厂房power house on river bank
- 坝内式厂房power house within the dam
- 溢流式厂房overflow type power house
- 河床式厂房water-retaining power house
- 闸墩式厂房pier head power house
- 双排机组布置layout for double row of hydraulic turbine
- 压缩地下厂房硐室宽度reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house
- 发电机层generator floor
- 水轮机层hydraulic turbine floor