英文对照reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供压缩地下厂房硐室宽度,reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house,压缩地下厂房硐室宽度的意思,reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house的意思,压缩地下厂房硐室宽度的英文,reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house的翻译,压缩地下厂房硐室宽度的翻译,压缩地下厂房硐室宽度是什么意思,压缩地下厂房硐室宽度什么意思,reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house是什么意思,reduced span of cave for underground hydropower house什么意思
压缩地下厂房硐室宽度 相关科技名词
- 滑模浇筑slip form concreting
- 浇筑强度placing intensity
- 水管冷却pipe cooling
- 土料压实soil compaction
- 土料场borrow pit
- 水力开挖hydraulic excavation
- 截水墙cut-off wall
- 混凝土防渗墙concrete cut-off wall;concrete diaphragm wall
- 沉井open caisson
- 沉箱pneumatic caisson
- 地下硐室underground chamber
- 盾构法shielding method
- 顶管法pipe jacking method
- 掘进机施工法tunneling machine method
- 钻爆施工法drilling and blasting method
- 新奥地利隧洞施工法New Austrian Tunneling Method;NATM
- 硐室围岩surrounding rock of chamber
- 硐探exploratory tunneling
- 导洞pilot adit
- 施工支洞construction adit
- 硐室支护chamber support
- 衬砌隧洞lined tunnel
- 无衬砌隧洞unlined tunnel
- 装配式衬砌fabricated lining
- 混凝土衬砌concrete lining
- 预应力混凝土衬砌prestressed concrete lining
- 钢衬砌steel lining
- 隧洞渐变段tunnel transition
- 隧洞分岔段tunnel fork
- 排水流量drainage discharge
- [水电厂]排水系统drainage system of hydropower plant
- 施工排水construction drainage
- 电渗排水electro-osmotic drainage
- 岩基处理treatment of rock foundation
- 岩溶处理treatment of solution cavern;karst treatment
- 防渗seepage prevention
- 坝基防渗seepage prevention of dam foundation
- 围堰防渗seepage prevention of cofferdam
- 闸基防渗seepage prevention of sluice foundation
- 薄膜防渗membrane seepage prevention