英文对照bucket type gas duct on rotor body
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供本体上风斗,bucket type gas duct on rotor body,本体上风斗的意思,bucket type gas duct on rotor body的意思,本体上风斗的英文,bucket type gas duct on rotor body的翻译,本体上风斗的翻译,本体上风斗是什么意思,本体上风斗什么意思,bucket type gas duct on rotor body是什么意思,bucket type gas duct on rotor body什么意思
本体上风斗 相关科技名词
- 开启式冷却open circuit cooling
- 定子绕组冷却cooling of stator winding
- 转子绕组冷却cooling of rotor winding
- 铁心冷却cooling of iron core
- 径向通风radial ventilation
- 轴向通风axial ventilation
- 氢气系统hydrogen system
- 氢爆炸hydrogen explosion
- 氢气置换hydrogen substitution
- 氢气监测控制hydrogen system monitoring and control
- 氢气干燥hydrogen drying
- 氢干燥器hydrogen dryer
- 氢站hydrogen plant
- 氢气来源hydrogen source
- 氢气罐hydrogen container
- 机座隔振vibration isolation for stator frame
- 低频谐振low frequency resonance
- 次同步谐振subsynchronous resonance
- 超同步谐振super-synchronous resonance
- 轴电流shaft current
- 接地电刷grounding brush
- 电腐蚀electro-erosion
- 定子端部绕组绝缘磨损wearing of stator end winding insulation
- 铁心松弛loosening of core lamination
- [发电机]引出线和有关设备main leads and associated equipment
- [发电机]中性点消弧线圈接地方式neutral point grounding with arc-suppression coil
- 允许启动次数permissible number of starting times for generator
- [发电机]并网运行paralleling operation
- 定相同步试验phasing and synchronizing test
- 允许的频率和电压偏离额定值运行permissible operation with frequency and voltage deviated from rated value
- 频率异常情况下的运行operation with frequency abnormally deviated from rated value
- 空载特性no-load characteristics;open circuit characteristics
- 短路特性short-circuit characteristics
- 负载特性load characteristics
- 调相运行phasing operation
- 过励磁运行over-excitation operation
- 欠励磁运行under excitation operation
- 进相运行leading power factor operation
- 迟相运行lagging power factor operation
- 空-空冷却发电机air to air cooled generator