英文对照solid state relay
所属学科电子学 > 机电元及其他电子元件
见载刊物《电子学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供固体继电器,solid state relay,固体继电器的意思,solid state relay的意思,固体继电器的英文,solid state relay的翻译,固体继电器的翻译,固体继电器是什么意思,固体继电器什么意思,solid state relay是什么意思,solid state relay什么意思
固体继电器 相关科技名词
- 惯性阻尼伺服电[动]机inertial damping servomotor
- 步进电[动]机stepping motor
- 磁滞同步电动机hysteresis synchronous motor
- 力矩电[动]机torque motor
- 有限力矩电[动]机limited torque motor
- 励磁电压exciting voltage
- 相位基准电压phase reference voltage
- 零位电压null voltage
- 交轴电压quadrature-axis voltage
- 电压梯度voltage gradient
- 变压比transformation ratio
- 交轴输出阻抗quadrature-axis output impedance
- 堵转特性locked-rotor characteristic
- 堵转励磁电流locked-rotor exciting current
- 堵转励磁功率locked-rotor exciting power
- 峰值堵转电流peak current at locked-rotor
- 峰值堵转控制功率peak control power at locked-rotor
- 连续堵转电流continuous current at locked-rotor
- 堵转转矩locked-rotor torque
- 整步转矩synchronizing torque
- 静态整步转矩特性static synchronizing torque characteristic
- 协调位置aligned position
- 零位误差electrical error of null position
- 角位移angular displacement
- 静摩擦力矩static friction torque
- 自制动时间self breaking time
- 滑行时间slipping time
- 反转时间reversing time
- 电枢控制armature control
- 幅值控制amplitude control
- 矩角位移特性torque-angular displacement characteristic
- 起动矩频特性starting torque-frequency characteristic
- 运行矩频特性running torque-frequency characteristic
- 起动惯频特性starting inertial-frequency characteristic
- 步进频率step frequency
- 步距step pitch
- 步进角step angle
- 失步[falling] out of synchronism
- 导线conductor
- 裸导线plain conductor