科学技术名词为您提供组重复间隔,group repetition interval;GRI,组重复间隔的意思,group repetition interval;GRI的意思,组重复间隔的英文,group repetition interval;GRI的翻译,组重复间隔的翻译,组重复间隔是什么意思,组重复间隔什么意思,group repetition interval;GRI是什么意思,group repetition interval;GRI什么意思
组重复间隔 相关科技名词
- 脉相系统pulse-phase system
- 伏尔very high frequency omnidirection-al range
- 多普勒伏尔Doppler VOR;DVOR
- 精密伏尔precise VOR;PVOR
- 终端伏尔terminal VOR;TVOR
- 伏塔克VHF omnirange and tactical air navigation system;VORTAC
- 环状天线测向器loop direction finder
- 无线电罗盘radio compass
- 电扫伏尔天线阵VOR scanned array
- 奥尔福德天线阵antenna array of Alford loops
- 康索尔系统Consol sector radio marker
- 测距器distance measuring equipment;DME
- 精密测距器precision distance measuring equipment;PDME
- 询问器interrogator
- 应答器transponder
- 询问模式interrogation mode
- 测距码ranging code
- 塔康tactical air navigation system;TACAN
- 扇形塔康sector TACAN;SETAC
- 逆式塔康inverse TACAN
- 顶空盲区upper space of silence
- 填充脉冲filler pulse
- 北向参考脉冲north reference pulse
- 辅助参考脉冲auxiliary reference pulse
- 罗兰long range navigation
- 标准罗兰standard Loran
- 罗兰-CLoran-C
- 罗兰-C授时Loran-C timing
- 罗兰通信Loran communication
- 罗兰转发Loran retransmission
- 罗坦系统long range and tactical navigation system
- 主台master station
- 副台slave station
- 台对pair of stations
- 独立基线individual baseline
- 同步基线synchronous baseline
- 组重复间隔group repetition interval;GRI
- 导出包络derived envelope
- 奥米伽[系统]Omega system
- 差奥米伽[系统]differential Omega