英文对照river capture
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科学技术名词为您提供河流袭夺,river capture,河流袭夺的意思,river capture的意思,河流袭夺的英文,river capture的翻译,河流袭夺的翻译,河流袭夺是什么意思,河流袭夺什么意思,river capture是什么意思,river capture什么意思
河流袭夺 相关科技名词
- 陆相成气terrestrial facies of gas
- 海相成气marine facies of gas
- 风化作用weathering
- 风化壳weathering crust
- 山地mountain
- 平原plain
- 盆地basin
- 河流阶地river terrace
- 洪积扇proluvium fan
- 冲积平原alluvial plain
- 河漫滩floodplain
- 河流袭夺river capture
- 牛轭湖oxbow lake
- 构造湖tectonic lake
- 冰川湖glacial lake
- 喀斯特地貌karst landform;karst physiognomy
- 喀斯特作用karst process
- 喀斯特平原karst plain
- 地下河buried river;underground river
- 暗湖underground lake
- 冰川冰glacier ice
- 冰川glacier
- 冻土frozen ground
- 风蚀湖aeolian lake
- 大气环流atmospheric circulation
- 洋流ocean current
- 产状occurrence
- 断陷盆地fault subsidence basin
- 大陆架continental shelf
- 大陆坡continental slope
- 滑坡land slip
- 泥石流debris flow
- 地面沉降land subsidence
- 海水倒灌seawater encroachment
- 水土流失water loss and soil erosion;soil and water loss
- 全球[气候]变暖global warming
- 臭氧空洞ozone hole
- 资源短缺resource shortage
- 大气污染atmosphere pollution
- 环境污染environmental pollution