英文对照ice and snow area
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科学技术名词为您提供冰雪地,ice and snow area,冰雪地的意思,ice and snow area的意思,冰雪地的英文,ice and snow area的翻译,冰雪地的翻译,冰雪地是什么意思,冰雪地什么意思,ice and snow area是什么意思,ice and snow area什么意思
冰雪地 相关科技名词
- 旅游资源tourism resources
- 旅游资源学science of tourism resources
- 旅游资源分类系统tourism resource classification system
- 自然旅游资源natural tourism resources
- 人文旅游资源human tourism resources
- 旅游资源层次结构tourism resource hierarchy
- 旅游资源主类main types of tourism resources
- 旅游资源亚类subgroups of tourism resources
- 旅游资源基本类型basic types of tourism resources
- 旅游资源单体unit of tourism resources
- 实体旅游资源substantial tourism resources
- 非物质旅游资源non-material tourism resources
- 旅游资源赋存环境surrounding of tourism resources
- 地文景观physiographic landscape
- 综合自然旅游地synthetic natural tourism area
- 山丘型旅游地mountain typical tourism area
- 谷地型旅游地valley typical tourism area
- 沙砾石地型旅游地gravel typical tourism area
- 滩地型旅游地bottomland typical tourism area
- 奇异自然现象bizarre natural phenomenon
- 自然标志地natural symbol place
- 垂直自然地带vertical belt
- 沉积与构造景观sedimentation and tectonic landscape
- 断层景观fault landscape
- 褶曲景观fold landscape
- 节理景观jointed rocks landscape
- 地层剖面stratigraphic section
- 石灰华tufa
- 矿点矿脉与矿石集聚地ore occurrence;vein and ore accumulation
- 生物化石点biologic fossil occurrence
- 地质地貌过程形迹trace of geological and physiognomic process
- 凸峰protruding mountain
- 独峰single mountain
- 峰丛clustered mountain
- 石林stone forest
- 土林soil forest
- 奇特与象形山石fancy and shapely rock
- 岩壁与岩缝cliff and crack
- 峡谷段落gorge segment
- 沟壑地ravine