摩崖字画 calligraphy and painting in cliff 摩崖字画的意思 calligraphy and painting in cliff的意思 摩崖字画的英文
英文对照calligraphy and painting in cliff
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科学技术名词为您提供摩崖字画,calligraphy and painting in cliff,摩崖字画的意思,calligraphy and painting in cliff的意思,摩崖字画的英文,calligraphy and painting in cliff的翻译,摩崖字画的翻译,摩崖字画是什么意思,摩崖字画什么意思,calligraphy and painting in cliff是什么意思,calligraphy and painting in cliff什么意思
摩崖字画 相关科技名词
- 建设工程与生产地construction project and producing area
- 社会与商贸活动场所place of social;commercial and trade activities
- 动物与植物展示地exhibited place of animal and plant
- 军事观光地military sightseeing place
- 边境口岸frontier port
- 景物观赏点scenery enjoy spot
- 单体活动场馆single place for cultural or sports activities
- 聚会接待厅entertaining lounge
- 祭拜场馆sacral place
- 展示演示场馆demo room
- 体育健身场馆gymnasium
- 歌舞游乐场馆singing and dancing club
- 景观建筑与附属型建筑landscape architecture and appertaining architecture
- 佛塔Buddhist pagoda
- 塔形建筑物pagoda-shape building
- 楼阁attic
- 石窟grotto
- 长城段落section of the Great Wall
- 城[堡]castle
- 摩崖字画calligraphy and painting in cliff
- 碑碣[林]steles forest
- 游憩广场recreation square
- 人工洞穴artificial cave
- 建筑小品accessorial building
- 雕塑sculpture
- 牌坊memorial archway
- 戏台drama stage
- 台terrace
- 阙watchtower on either side of a palace gate
- 廊colonnade
- 亭pavilion
- 榭pavilion on terrace
- 影壁wall located inside and outside gate of building
- 经幢building with Buddhism lection and joss
- 喷泉fountain
- 假山rockery
- 祭祀堆石sacrificial stone stack
- 传统与乡土建筑traditional and native architecture
- 特色街巷characteristic street
- 特色社区special community