光合有效辐射 photosynthetically active radiation 光合有效辐射的意思 photosynthetically active radiation的意思
英文对照photosynthetically active radiation
见载刊物《资源科学技术名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供光合有效辐射,photosynthetically active radiation,光合有效辐射的意思,photosynthetically active radiation的意思,光合有效辐射的英文,photosynthetically active radiation的翻译,光合有效辐射的翻译,光合有效辐射是什么意思,光合有效辐射什么意思,photosynthetically active radiation是什么意思,photosynthetically active radiation什么意思
光合有效辐射 相关科技名词
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- 气候资源climatic resources
- 气候资源要素climatic elements of resources
- 气象要素meteorological element
- 气候资源分类climatic resource classification
- 农业气候资源agroclimatic resources
- 林业气候资源forestry climatic resources
- 牧业气候资源animal husbandry climatic resources
- 建筑气候building climate
- 医疗气候medical climate
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- 天象气候类旅游资源climatic tourist resources
- 小气候microclimate
- 气候资源评价climatic resource assessment
- 气候资源特征characters of climatic resources
- 气候climate
- 气候变化climatic change
- 气候变迁climatic variation
- 气候变率climatic variability
- 气候敏感性climatic sensitivity
- 气候趋势climatic trend
- 气候振动climatic fluctuation
- 气候异常climatic anomaly
- 气候评价climatological assessment
- 气候模拟climate simulation
- 气候模式climate model
- 气候适应acclimatization
- 气候型climatic type
- 气候志climatography
- 气候系统climate system
- 气候疗法climatotherapy
- 七十二候seventy two pentads
- 气候相似原理climatic analogy
- 气候预报climatic forecast
- 气候指标climatic index
- 气候资源调查climatic resource survey
- 气候考察climatological survey
- 气候情报climatological information
- 气候信息information of climate
- 地质时期气候信息information of paleoclimate