感光性 相关科技名词
- 历史气候信息information of historical climate
- 树木年轮气候信息dendroclimatologic information
- 文献史料气候信息climatic information in historical documentation
- 二十四节气twenty-four solar terms
- 遥感气候资源信息remote sensing information of climatic resources
- 农作物遥感估产crop yield estimation by remote sensing
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 气候环境climatic circumstance
- 气候周期性变化climatic periodic variation
- 气候非周期性变化climatic non-periodic variation
- 气候概率climatic probability
- 气候重建climatic reconstruction
- 气候恶化climatic deterioration
- 生态气候ecoclimate
- 生物气候定律bioclimatic law
- 气象能源meteorological energy resources
- 热岛效应effect of heat island
- 日光疗法heliotherapy;solar treatment
- 季风气候特征character of monsoon climate
- 山区气候资源特征character of mountain climatic resources
- 城市气候特征climatic character of urban
- 气候影响评价climatic impact assessment
- 气候区划climatic division
- 农业气候区划agroclimatic division
- 建筑气候区划building climate division
- 太阳能资源区划divisions of solar energy resources
- 风能资源区划divisions of wind energy resources
- 气候诊断climatic diagnosis
- 气候资源分析方法method of climatic resource analysis
- 气候资源保护climatic resource protection
- 人工影响气候climate modification
- 人工小气候artificial microclimate
- 人工气候室phytotron
- 气候带climatic belt
- 垂直气候带vertical climatic zone
- 物候现象phenological phenomenon
- 物候期phenophase
- 物候律phenological law
- 物候历phenological calendar
- 农业气候指标agroclimatic index