产草量年变率 annual variation rate of forage yield 产草量年变率的意思 annual variation rate of forage yield的意思
英文对照annual variation rate of forage yield
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科学技术名词为您提供产草量年变率,annual variation rate of forage yield,产草量年变率的意思,annual variation rate of forage yield的意思,产草量年变率的英文,annual variation rate of forage yield的翻译,产草量年变率的翻译,产草量年变率是什么意思,产草量年变率什么意思,annual variation rate of forage yield是什么意思,annual variation rate of forage yield什么意思
产草量年变率 相关科技名词
- 草地演替类型successional type of rangeland
- 多年生草地perennial plant rangeland
- 一年生草地annual rangeland
- 育肥草地rangeland for fattening animal
- 封闭草地closed range
- 草地资源调查survey of rangeland resources
- 草地资源遥感调查remote sensing for rangeland resource survey
- 草地资源常规调查routine survey for rangeland resources
- 草地资源详查detailed survey of rangeland resources
- 草地资源概查general survey of rangeland resources
- 草地资源调查3S技术3S technology for rangeland resource survey
- 草地资源图map of grassland resources
- 草地资源系列地图serial maps of rangeland resources
- 草地资源遥感系列制图serial mapping by remote sensing of rangeland resources
- 大比例尺精度草地资源调查large-scale survey of rangeland resources
- 中比例尺精度草地资源调查medium-scale survey of rangeland resources
- 小比例尺精度草地资源调查small-scale survey of rangeland resources
- 草地资源地理信息系统geographical information system of rangeland resources
- 草地资源数据库rangeland resource database
- 草地资源区划grassland resources divisions
- 草地地上部生物量overground biomass of rangeland
- 草地地下部生物量underground biomass of rangeland
- 草地年产草量grassland plant yield for year
- 草地年可食草产量grassland forage yield for year
- 草地年产草量动态dynamic of forage yield
- 草地牧草现存量present forage yield of grassland
- 牧草再生regrowth rate of forage
- 产草量年变率annual variation rate of forage yield
- 标准干草折算系数conversion coefficient for calculation of standard hay
- 草地牧草经济产量utilizable yield of grassland
- 草地地上部产草量plant mass above ground
- 草地立枯产草量standing dead yield
- 草地凋落物量litter
- 牧草风干重air-dry weight
- 牧草烘干重oven-dry weight
- 牧草营养价值nutritive value of forage
- 草地资源营养评价nutritive evaluation of grassland resources
- 草地营养物质总量nutritional gross of rangeland
- 草地营养比nutritional ratio of rangeland
- 草地等grassland class