科学技术名词为您提供顶板压力,roof pressure,顶板压力的意思,roof pressure的意思,顶板压力的英文,roof pressure的翻译,顶板压力的翻译,顶板压力是什么意思,顶板压力什么意思,roof pressure是什么意思,roof pressure什么意思
顶板压力 相关科技名词
- 垮落法caving method
- 充填法stowing method
- 缓慢下沉法gradual sagging method
- 煤柱支撑法pillar supporting method
- 回柱prop drawing
- 放顶caving the roof
- 初次放顶initial caving
- 无特种柱放顶caving without specific props;caving without breaker props
- 强制放顶forced caving
- 控顶距face width
- 放顶距caving interval
- 端面距tip-to-face distance
- 无支柱距prop-free front distance
- 冒顶roof fall
- 顶板破碎度roof flaking ratio
- 顶板单位破碎度specific roof flak-ing ratio
- 局部冒顶partial roof fall
- 区域性切冒extensive roof collapse
- 压垮型冒顶crush roof fall
- 推垮型冒顶thrust roof fall
- 端面冒顶roof flaking [in tip-to-face area]
- 漏顶face roof collapse with cavity
- 片帮rib spalling;sloughing
- 顶板垮落roof caving
- 顶板垮落角roof caving angle
- 不规则垮落带irregularly caving zone
- 规则垮落带regularly caving zone
- 岩石碎胀系数bulking factor;swell factor
- 垮采比caving-height ratio
- 顶板压力roof pressure
- 初次来压first weighting
- 周期来压periodic weighting
- 动载系数dynamic load coefficient
- 顶底板移近量roof-to-floor convergence
- 顶底板移近率roof-to-floor convergence ratio
- 顶板回弹roof rebound
- 顶板台阶下沉roof step
- 顶板弱化roof weakening
- 煤岩固化coal/rock reinforcement
- 底鼓floor heave