科学技术名词为您提供定压水,head water,定压水的意思,head water的意思,定压水的英文,head water的翻译,定压水的翻译,定压水是什么意思,定压水什么意思,head water是什么意思,head water什么意思
定压水 相关科技名词
- 毛煤run-of-mine;ROM;r.o.m.coal
- 原煤raw coal
- 原料煤feed coal
- 夹矸煤locked middlings;false middlings
- 选煤厂coal preparation plant;washery
- 筛选厂sizing plant
- [选煤]工艺原则流程图basic flowsheet of coal preparation
- [选煤]工艺流程图process flow-sheet of coal preparation
- [选煤]设备流程图equipment flowsheet of coal preparation
- 粒度size
- 入料上限top size
- 入料下限lower size
- 分选粒级size range of separation
- 可选性washability;preparability
- 浮沉试验float-and-sink analysis;float-and-sink test
- 浮物floats
- 沉物sinks
- 密度级densimetric fraction;densi-ty fraction
- 密度组成densimetric consist;density consist
- 可选性曲线washability curves
- 灰分特性曲线characteristic ash curve;elementary ash curve
- 浮物[累计]曲线cumulative float curve;cumulative ash-float curve
- 沉物[累计]曲线cumulative sink curve;cumulative ash-sink curve
- 密度曲线densimetric curve;yield-densimetric curve
- 分选密度±0.1曲线near-density curve
- 邻近密度物near-density mate-rial;near-gravity material
- 迈尔曲线Mayer curve
- 可选性等级class of washability
- 分级classification;sizing
- 等沉粒equal falling particles
- 等沉比equal falling ratio
- 自由沉降free falling;free settling
- 沉降末速terminal velocity;set-tling final velocity
- 干扰沉降hindered falling
- 筛分screening
- 准备筛分preliminary screening
- 检查筛分control screening
- 最终筛分final screening
- 等厚筛分screening with constant bed thickness;banana screening
- 概率筛分probability screening