英文对照Chinese Coal Classification
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科学技术名词为您提供中国煤炭分类,Chinese Coal Classification,中国煤炭分类的意思,Chinese Coal Classification的意思,中国煤炭分类的英文,Chinese Coal Classification的翻译,中国煤炭分类的翻译,中国煤炭分类是什么意思,中国煤炭分类什么意思,Chinese Coal Classification是什么意思,Chinese Coal Classification什么意思
中国煤炭分类 相关科技名词
- 煤化[程]度degree of coalification
- 煤样coal sample
- 采样sampling
- 采样单元sampling unit
- 批lot
- 多份采样replicate sampling
- 总样gross sample
- 子样increment
- 煤层煤样coal seam sample
- 可采煤样workable seam sample
- 分层煤样stratified seam sample
- 商品煤样sample for commercial coal
- 浮煤样float sample
- 沉煤样sink sample
- 空气干燥煤样air-dried sample
- 标准煤样certified reference coal;reference coal sample
- 煤样制备coal sample preparation
- 煤样混合coal sample mixing
- 煤样缩分coal sample division
- 煤样破碎coal sample reduction
- 堆锥四分法coning and quartering
- 二分器riffle
- 煤炭品种categories of coal
- 混块煤mixed lump coal
- 混中块煤mixed medium-sized coal
- 混末煤mixed slack coal
- 混煤mixed coal
- 特大块煤ultra large coal
- 大块煤large coal
- 中块煤medium-sized coal
- 小块煤small coal
- 粒煤pea coal
- 末煤slack coal
- 粉煤fine coal
- 煤粉coal fines
- 粒级煤sized coal
- 含矸率refuse content
- 炼焦用煤coal for coking
- 炼焦煤coking coal
- 非炼焦煤non-coking coal