英文对照working regime of the maximum jet impact force
见载刊物《石油名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供最大射流冲击力工作方式,working regime of the maximum jet impact force,最大射流冲击力工作方式的意思,working regime of the maximum jet impact force的意思,最大射流冲击力工作方式的英文,working regime of the maximum jet impact force的翻译,最大射流冲击力工作方式的翻译,最大射流冲击力工作方式是什么意思,最大射流冲击力工作方式什么意思,working regime of the maximum jet impact force是什么意思,working regime of the maximum jet impact force什么意思
最大射流冲击力工作方式 相关科技名词
- 钻井参数传感装置drilling parameter sensoring unit
- 钻井液录井drilling fluid logging
- 综合录井compound logging
- 钻井仪表drilling instrument
- 指重表weight indicator
- 转盘扭矩仪rotary torque indicator
- 钻井控制台drilling control console
- 转盘转速计rotary speed tacheometer
- 钻井液密度显示器mud density indicator
- 温度显示器temperature indicator
- 泥浆体积累加器mud volume totalizer
- 钻井监测系统drilling monitor system
- 泥浆池容积pit volume
- 泥浆密度mud density
- 入口温度temperature in
- 出口温度temperature out
- 环空压力annular pressure
- 井深well total depth
- 计算排量calculated pump rate
- d指数d-exponent
- 磁记录器magnetic recorder
- 遥控钻井系统remote control drilling system
- 主控台master control station
- 立管压力standpipe pressure
- 定向井directional well
- 多底井multi-bore well
- 丛式井cluster well;multiple well
- 救援井relief well
- 双筒井dual well
- 水平井lateral well;horizontal well
- 多目标井multi-target well
- 泄油井drain hole
- 侧向泄油井horizontal drain hole
- 套管开窗casing sidetracking
- 悬链线剖面catenary shape profile
- 平均角法average angle method
- 平衡正切法balanced tangential method
- 最小曲率法minimum curvature method
- 曲率半径法radius of curvature method
- 正切法tangential method