科学技术名词为您提供[岩石]弹性模量,elastic modulus of rock,[岩石]弹性模量的意思,elastic modulus of rock的意思,[岩石]弹性模量的英文,elastic modulus of rock的翻译,[岩石]弹性模量的翻译,[岩石]弹性模量是什么意思,[岩石]弹性模量什么意思,elastic modulus of rock是什么意思,elastic modulus of rock什么意思
[岩石]弹性模量 相关科技名词
- 滤饼厚度filter cake thickness
- 滤失能力filtration capacity
- 滤失速度filtration rate
- 亲水亲油平衡值hydrophile-lyophile balance value
- 黏土侵clay contamination
- 盐水侵salt water contamination
- 钙侵calcium contamination
- 砂侵sand contamination
- 水侵water contamination;water cut
- 气侵gas invasion;gas cut;gas cutting
- 压差卡钻differential pressure sticking
- 坍塌sloughing
- 恢复循环break circulation
- 井漏circulation loss
- 增效膨润土extended bentonite
- 水敏性页岩water-sensitive shale
- 钙膨润土calcium bentonite
- 钠膨润土sodium bentonite
- 聚结aggregation
- 纤维状材料fibrous material
- 低造浆黏土low-yield clay
- 海泡石sepiolite
- 石棉asbestos
- 重晶石barite
- 伊利石illite
- 高岭石kaolinite
- 绿泥石chlorite
- 混层黏土mixed-layer clay
- 钛铁矿ilmenite
- 凹凸棒黏土attapulgite clay
- 黏泥岩gumbo
- 高造浆率钻井黏土high-yield clay
- 微晶高岭土micromontomarillonite
- 稠度仪consistometer
- 泥浆密度计mud scale
- 电阻率仪resistivity meter
- 液体密度计hydrometer
- 泥浆蒸馏器mud still
- 固相控制solid control
- 高密度固相high specific density solid